algea eaters

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 27, 2004
Keller Va
ive had my tank running for a while now with no problems but now brown algae is growing. i know i could just scrape it off but what kind of fish would you guys recommend to eat it?

now in my 50 gal tank ive got
two red eyed tetras
two corys
one danio(?)
My Pleco munches the stuff like there's no tomorrow. I believe Bristle Nosed Plecos are pretty good for this sort of thing, as they stay small.
How long has your tank been up and running? What are your water parameters? How much and how often are you feeding? When was the last time you did a water change and a vacumming of your gravel?

The brown aglae (diatoms) in a new tank will eventually go away when your tank stablizes and when you encounter the brown algae in an established tank, it usually is an indication of high nitrates.

Do you only have 2 tetras, 2 cory's and 1 danio in your 50 gallon? Since those 3 you have in your signature are shoaling fish, I would definitely add more and have a school of at least 4 or more for each. And you could easily add 1 or two BN pleco's to control the algae.
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