am i over stocking?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 6, 2006
southern ky
5.5 filtered tank
two bettas and two snails
am i pushing it? i am not planning on getting anymore.
EDIT: sorry i just read another post and you said you were thinking about splitting the tank. If that is so.. lol.. you should be just fine and im sure the beta's are very happy.
yes in my splited tank
one half a betta and snail
other half another betta and snail
thank you.
now the task is figuring out how to divide it
there are some mesh plastic canvas i can get from walmart, but it wont be very sturdy by its self. or i dont think so. we will just see.
Anchor it on the bottom with gravel or use decorations to hold it still and use suction cups to hook the canvas to and stick it to the tank on boths side near the top.
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