Angel Fish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 7, 2003
Atlanta, GA
Okay. I have this angel fish. Originally bought for my "wife's" tank, which was a 20 long, though we knew it would need more later. Spike the Angelfish. Really pretty little guy, gold silver and black. Eventually moved into my 90 gallon planted tank, which recently had a vacanties open. Spike is about 4 inches from front to back, and trying to measure in top fin and the lower two "whisker" things, maybe 7 inches tall.

Well, the thing about Spike is, is that he is a she. Spike just laid her second batch of eggs I've ever seen. I would like to try to find Spike a boyfriend. I believe the tank is big enough (And empty enough right now).

I know established angel fish can be aggressive.. And I believe they're nearly impossible to sex before they pair up.. So what can I do?

Spike is far larger than any Angels I'll find at say, the local pet retailers like petsmart or petco, etc.
ok ... check for local breeders. I was really lucky by picking up a fluke pair on 2 seperate purchases. A local breeder can sell you a guarenteed male angelfish. Also as psyhampster said, get to your local aquarium society. If they are like the one in Calgary, they will generally have angels for sale once in a while. A word of warning in your 90 gallon tank ... and i speak from experience, Expect losses if you do get a pair. The rainbow shark is also a potential problem. when my original pair started to breed (the female was the only survivor) the male was killed off by my rainbow shark (who was only 2" at the time). He was given away to a friend who was going to use him as "snack food" for his african cichlid tank ...... the key word there is "was" because the rainbow shark is still in the tank 9 months later. Now he is not in with little cichlids. we are talking about a 9" frontosa, 5 haplochromis quads that are 6"-8", a 3" auratus not to mention a synodontis eupterus, 2 jewel cichlids and others .... not the kindest of species. I do hope that your shark is more gentile then mine!!
Well I really don't want to burst your bubble ferret but............ If Spike has been alone for sometime, and laid eggs without a mate present, it's unlikely she'll accept one.
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