Angel Spawn Tank Log

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 4, 2004
This morning when I turned on the lights to the 55 gal tank I noticed the angels hovering near the mag float. Upon closer inspection I found that it is covered in eggs. I'm assuming Angel eggs. There are TONS of eggs and they are a creamish orangish color. What are the chances of these eggs hatching? Some of the angels were eating the eggs so I pulled out the mag float and put it in the 10 gal QT. It's not cycled since we just set it up, but if there is hope for the eggs I will seed the filters with media from the 55.

Was that a bad move to move the mag float? I can't take pictures since my husband has the camera at work. But tonight I'll be sure to take pics.

Can anyone offer advice about what to do? This is the first time I've seen the Angels lay eggs.
Congrats!! I thought I was the only one who had angels that liked magfloats.

If the eggs stay creamed colored then they are fertilized and should hatch in 3 days. A gentle flow of bubbles over them will help keep them from fungusing. That is so cool.
I have the mag float positioned in front of the AC filter on the opposite wall but maybe I should move it to above the air stone?

The water is different between the QT and 55. In the 55 the pH is lower due to pressurized CO2 injection. I'd say down around 7.0. The QT has my regular dechlorinated tap with pH 8.8. Is that going to cause issues?

I'm so excited over this! I never would have though my angels would spawn. Liquid rock water.
Yes the bubbles shoul be flowing near the eggs. PH changes by CO2 are considered unimportant for fish so hopefully it applies to eggs too.
Congrats! I agree with Rich. Also adding peroxide or methalyne blue will help keep fungus at bay. Keep the temps at 80-82.
I actually have 4 Angels in the 55. 2 Altum and 2 Pearlscale. Here's a pic of the eggs:

Don't mind the calcium stains on the tank or airstone.

Is the coloring good for the eggs? It's been over 24 hours since I found them. Some are darker than others. About half are a creamish light orangish coloring while the other half are a dark orange color.
They don't look bad at all. Since they still exist after 24 hours, you may well have a successful spawn. It usually takes up to 60 hours to hatch. I have my fingers crossed.
That is what my angels' eggs look like and they usually hatch. Unless Mom or Dad get cranky and destroy them.
Thanks guys. I'm just overly excited about this. My Africans spawn almost weekly, I thought it would be impossible for the Angels to spawn, especially given my water. I guess they will spawn in pretty much anything?
I thought it would be impossible for the Angels to spawn, especially given my water. I guess they will spawn in pretty much anything?

It's a stretch given your water issue but who knows? You may be able to get your spawn published. "Angels Spawn in Liquid Rock" would make a great title. :)
lol Thanks Bill. I'll get right on it. :)

Well I came home this evening and the lighter colored eggs have turned white. The darker colored ones are still dark. I do have some that came off the mag float and are on the substrate. The ones that are dark have a little black thing coming off of them. Like a little string. Is that normal? They are floppin around like crazy. I'm afraid to suck out the white eggs because I don't want to suck out any of them that are still alive. How long before I should suck out the white eggs?

James just put covers on the AC intakes so they wouldn't get sucked up. Now I'm afraid that the two AC filters might be too much on the tank.

When they hatch, what will they look like? What should I feed them? I want to be prepared in case they do hatch.
The ones that are dark have a little black thing coming off of them. Like a little string. Is that normal? They are floppin around like crazy.

Wow, that is a good sign! Here are some tips from one of my angelfish sources regarding the things to look for during the first few days: said:
Day 0: Eggs spawned in streaks, are clear or translucent.
Day 1: Some infertile eggs turn white.
Day 2: More eggs turn white, wiggling tails emerge from clear eggs. Some white eggs may get fuzzy.
Day 3: Tadpole shape forms with large yolk sack, fry remain stuck to the slate.
Day 4: Small eyes form.
Day 5: Eyes grow large, yolk sack shrinks. Start brine shrimp hatchery.
Day 6: Some fry are free swimming.
Day 7: All free swimming, time to start feeding.

In regard to feeding, baby brine shrimp would be your best choice. Folks have been steering away from infusoria from what I've been reading. I have my fingers crossed for you, so far so good.
Excellent! Thank you! This morning there are a lot more with the wiggling tails. There are probably 30 or 40. I'm thinking that I may turn off one of the AC filters. It might be a little too much circulation for them.
That is great Fishy. Brian recommends just a sponge filter in a grow out tank. It would probably be the best way to go.
Great news, I second the sponge filter. When they fry are free swimming the filters will pose a danger to them.
James is going to pick me up a sponge filter tomrrow along with some brine shrimp. Will my sand substrate cause issues with the filter?
I was looking on Petcos website and found a picture of the marineland sponge filter. I put a sponge over the intake tube of my ACs that looks just like the one used in that filter. Is that sufficient or do I need to specifically buy a sponge filter?
Sponge filters are better but in a pinch you can make due with turning the flow down on the AC and putting a sponge over it. The biggest difference is the strength of the flow I believe. My angelfish fry had a hard time clearing the filter when I used the AC and a sponge. The kept getting stuck to it. I may be way off base as my filters are always overfiltered for my tanks.
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