Angel Spawn Tank Log

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You are doing fantastic Fishy, shooting the video of the free swimming fry is priceless. :)

Congrats on your success! Just keep me in mind when they are old enough for shipping...I know who you have in the tank and the colors they will possess is going to be amazing!
Thanks Bill. :) I'm anxious to see their coloration too. They are doing wonderfully. This evening they are all free swimming.

When I was shooting the video I felt like a mother watching her toddler take his first step. African fry doesn't phase me anymore since it happens on a weekly basis. But the Angels, WOW. Never thought it was possible. I am thinking about turning this thread into a log of their growth.
I just looked at this thread and wanted to say congratulations!

Now, you know you have to buy a 55 to grow them out in, right? Wheeee! :)
I just wanted to say congrats! I know what you mean about the africans vs egg layers. I was so excited my first time raising fry as well. I also took videos, LOL.
Last night we pulled the Acei Ngara from the main tank and she spit into the transport bag. Not ideal, but at least we didn't have to acclimate the mother to our QT tank. We thought that the Acei fry would be fine with the Angel fry since we have a divider in place. Apparently the angel fry can still fit through the holes of the divider and they were curious about their tankmates. I MIGHT have 5 Angels left. I'm so aggrivated at this point. Here's a pic of the setup before we added another sponge filter to the right side.


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The last of the angel fry made their way through the divider and into the Acei side. It's unfortionate that it turned out this way, but I have hope for the future. If the Angels spawned once they are bound to do it again. Today I'm moving the mag float back into the 55 in hopes that in a few weeks we will have another spawn. Thank you everyone for all of your help. I really appreciate it. I am going to start a log of the Acei fry over in the Cichlid forum.
I'm sorry you lost your angel fry. :(

But, as you said, maybe this is a good sign that you'll have more in the future.
Drats, that is so unfortunate and I'm sorry to hear about the losses, they were some cuties. Your angels will spawn again, at this point every two weeks is not uncommon. At least this time you will be prepared.

Any chance of identifying the parents yet?
I don't know how to identify the parents. I have 4 Angels in the tank (2 Altum 2 Pearlscale) and they have paired off with each other. The altums together and the pearls together. I am either EXTREMELY lucky to have 2 male and 2 female, one of each type or they just like to hang out with ecah other. :) How do you identify the parents if you dont' see them breed?
How do you identify the parents if you dont' see them breed?

Ya just had to go and ask the hard question huh? Without seeing the spawn, you will not know which ones did the deed. You could narrow the choices by maturity, which ones seem more erm, romantic (visit the mag float, clean off areas very often, etc). This may give you a clue.
When I pulled the mag float they were all next to the mag float picking at the eggs. Hopefully the next batch is succesful and I can identify the fry.
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