Angel & Tang

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 15, 2012
I have a flame angel, 2 clowns, a few crabs and shrimp. Today I added a yellow tang. I was told that the yellow tang can be aggressive to new tank mates but he is the last fish that I am planning to add. However my flame angel is being very aggressive towards the tang. I appears to be chasing him away and nipping at it. Should I try to remove one or just leave them alone and see if they establish territories?
How large is the tank? Are there good hiding spots for the tang and for the angel? Usually they will settle down in a day or so. I also keep the lights out when I add a new fish, makes it easier for the new fish to find a spot. :)
I agree with Carey. Dwarf Angels can often be territorial. If they are in a smaller tank, they can easily decide that the whole tank is their territory. I cringe when I see sites saying dwarfs are okay in 30-40g tanks. I think 75g is a good minimum, but even that depends on the personality of the fish you get. I had a flame in a 300 years ago and it claimed the left third of the tank. Any of the much larger fish came into that area, it would chase them.

Keep an eye on them and if it continues after a day or two, I would consider taking one or the other back.
It is a 60 gallon cube. I have lots of live rock/caves in the tank. I hope that they settle down soon. Thanks for your help.
I would not put a Yellow Tang in a 2x2x2" tank. That will not be nearly enough room to swim and it is not going to thrive. Odds are, the Angel is going to bully most newcomers in that kind of setup.

Nothing against cubes, but unless they are huge, I feel that there are a lot of limitations. I actually want a 60g cube to use as a reef somewhere down the road. Only planning on adding smaller fish though. Maybe a Brustletooth Tang of some sort.
I have a 75 gallon and my flaming angle was the last to enter and he is getting alittle aggressive towards my needle nose hawk fish.i was told they should be the last fish to put in but mine is still a bully
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