Angelfish Eye Query

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 21, 2004
Cowtown, New York
I have a strange question. My black and white marble angelfish always had white eyes. Recently, they have been turing red. I just wanted to know if this is normal? It looks pretty cool.

He's about an inch and a half long and growing fast. I feed him TetraMin Tropical Crisps, I think there is a color enhancer in there somewhere.. could this be it?

Thanks in advance.
I'm sure someone else will help you but I think I have heard that it's a sign of a disease or something along those lines.
No mayree. This is just the genetic pattern coming out as the fish ages. Nothing to worry about. :wink:
Yep, the eyes should be red. Cloudy, no, and it is always a good idea to check the eyes of your fish, so it is a very good question!
Sorry for the bad information. I was thinking of cloudy eyes :oops:
As someone who has had angels with cloudy eyes I can understand why you would think of that first - "abnormal" eyes are always something to be on the lookout for - it is a sign of poor water quality.
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