Angelfish Question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 24, 2017
Hey all!!!

I have 2 angelfish that are in a 55 gal established tank. They recently laid eggs and I moved them to a 10 gal established tank (same water as 55 gal) they are now free swimming! Yay! My angels spawned again and laid more eggs in the aquarium. I left these in the 55 gallon for the parents to raise. I was wondering if its okay to put my free swimming fry into the 55 gallon tank when the other fry become free swimming.

My fry in the 10 gallon is about a week older than the eggs they laid in the 55 gallon.

Will the parents notice and eat them? Or will they just take them in

(Both sets of fry are from same parents)
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