Anyone Else With Corys Have This??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 19, 2012
Toledo, OH - Originally Dayton, OH
I give my snails and corys an algae wafer about once or twice a week. I have one olive nerite snail named Energizer, one gold mystery snail named Dozer, and three albino corys named Spazzo, Dracula, and Lurch. The first time I put in an algae wafer, my algae-head Energizer guarded it with his life, letting the corys only get about five percent of it and him eating the rest of it while fighting them off - I watched him hit one with his shell and poke another one's eye with his feeler. Epic snail fight. My mystery snail I just added a couple days ago seems content on his own. Now for some reason when I added the algae wafer, figuring two this time due to two snails and three corys and Torch (flame dwarf gourami) all having a go, the corys get to it and completely pulverize it and scatter the shreds all over the tank. They leave it there for a long, long time, and after probably 10-12 hours, it's all been eaten, or Energizer is working on the last little chunk left. Are they pulverizing it and making a huge mess for any particular reason, or do I just yet again have idiot fish?
I had a apple snail that would fight my corries for algae wafers it was kinda funny , so I would put a wafer in and wait for the snail to claim and then drop in another for the corries
My bnp is the waffer hog of my 20g long. He, along with 7panda corys and a few gbr juvies fight amongst each other. It's not a fair battle though because the pleco has learned to use his tail to swipe everybody else away until he has his fill. If the corys reach the waffer first they'll try to pulverize it as quickly as possible so they can munch once the bnp claims his share. Pretty smart on their part i guess lol.
Ok then. I guess my Corys are acting normal. The gourami is teaching them a lesson. They've hit him in the face too many times so now when they get close to his face he chases them around the tank. Or nips at them. Can't blame the poor guy. They flipped him upside down one time they hit him. Doubt he's getting territorial as he spends most of his time tending to his plant or sleeping in a cave or blowing kisses at me. He's just tired of being hit in the face.
Kissing gourammi ? Those things are evil had one kill a whole tank of fish but he was huge like seven inches
I have seen my cories, shrimp and khuli loaches all feeding off of 1 wafer. But my clown pleco(whom I never see) doesn't share.
Flame dwarf gourami. He's friendly. Just doesn't take anyone's crap. And it's kinda fun hearing other people with similar fish experiences. I always get the fish that shocks everyone.
xwesx1978 said:
Kissing gourammi ? Those things are evil had one kill a whole tank of fish but he was huge like seven inches

LOL I love my kissers!!! Mine were monsters when they were little but are actually quite nice now:)
Like any species, including humans, there can be vast variations in personalities. My six inch gourami has been peaceful the seven years i have had him (through 2 moves also), with the sole exception being when his former tank mates outgrew the aquarium they were in, and he picked on only one of them for no apparent reason. Please don't diss an entire breed.

B Gal:
My cories love the wafers too. You have a delightful writing style when describing them.
Why thank you. I'll do my best to keep it up if for nothing other than entertainment purposes. The naming story of my Cory cats is somewhat entertaining. Lurch mostly just sits there and let's the food come to him. He'll scavenge a little but not for long. Dracula was the original name I had picked out when I was planning on putting four neon tetras and one Cory cat in my 3-gal tank. The fish store wouldn't let that one go but also told me the tank would be fully cycled in three days and I could add more fish. Those were the glowfish. Spazzo never stops. He goes spastically around the tank for hours and hours with the energy of a human 2-year-old. He's the one that keeps getting chased and nipped by Torch since he keeps hitting the gourami in the face with his flittering tail.
My mystery snail swallows entire shrimp pellets to keep them fro the cories. I swear he and the guppies have an alliance. The guppies dive after the pellet as soon as I put it in, keep it from the cories, then peck at it until Mr. Snail gets there and swallows it. THen I have to drop pellets into the secret cory hiding areas(under the internal filter is their favorite place)
Energizer the first time he had a wafer got it directly under the filter and ate all but a tenth of it probably. He had it in a spot where I couldn't see it till it was nice and layered over in white filmy stuff. Had to get creative with the turkey baster to get it. Then he had one when Buddy died. There was a dead fish two inches from him and he just cared about his crack algae wafer. Now it's keep-away.
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