Anyone had a bad batch of salt?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
After explaining what was going on with my tank to Mr. X, he thought I may need to change my salt. Has anyone had a bad batch, and what kind of effects did it have on your tank?
I would like to hear some answers on this topic too.
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My fluval salt is definitely out of wack. I used to only need about 2 1/2 cups of salt per 5 gallons to reach my desired 1.025, but all of a sudden it's taking 4, even 5!
I did more googling on looks like pretty much every brand gets bad batches, almost all of which result in algae spikes.

Out of curiousity, what's the batch number on your bucket?
Batch number blank. Musta been an overseas subcontract lol...
Yes, I've had a bad batch of Fluval as well. I like their container though, and at least i was able to use that as a dog food container ;)

As far as what happened- sps retracted polyps, lps closed up, some corals lost color.
I killed the lights on my tank tonight, and will keep them off till Monday. Hopefully that takes care of the problem along w/ the Phosguard.

I had a lot of changes in my tank within a short period of time: new salt, new lights, new coral, so it's tough to pin it on any one, but my guess is the lights, and not the salt...not yet at least. If I have to, I will buy a bag of IO Reef Crystals (what I used before) and do a series of changes to pull 100% out.
Yes, I've had a bad batch of Fluval as well. I like their container though, and at least i was able to use that as a dog food container ;)

As far as what happened- sps retracted polyps, lps closed up, some corals lost color.

So basically everything I'm dealing with.... Did you have an anenome that did the same as well? If you didn't, do you think it would have done something similar?
My anemones did not show any signs of discomfort. I had 4 bubble tips at the time and they didn't skip a beat. That doesn't mean we have different issues. Always remember that just because things are expensive, doesn't mean they are precise. This is not studying medicine. These test kits and solutions are not pharmaceutical grade...this is a hobby. There will be margins of error that are more than we expect. If two salt mixes are off, who knows what element is lacking? I didn't test my water, I just changed salts, and my problem disappeared.
My anemones did not show any signs of discomfort. I had 4 bubble tips at the time and they didn't skip a beat. That doesn't mean we have different issues. Always remember that just because things are expensive, doesn't mean they are precise. This is not studying medicine. These test kits and solutions are not pharmaceutical grade...this is a hobby. There will be margins of error that are more than we expect. If two salt mixes are off, who knows what element is lacking? I didn't test my water, I just changed salts, and my problem disappeared.

Well put sir and I appreciate your perspective. I'm sure you can at least appreciate the frustration I am going through ?...
Same here with RSCP...I've barely made a dent in the bucket. I wonder if my LFS would take it back. I doubt it...Craigslist, here I come :)

Ehhhhh I would call your LFS first and then RC. Ethically, don't you think it would/could be setting someone new to the hobby up for failure?
Same here with RSCP...I've barely made a dent in the bucket. I wonder if my LFS would take it back. I doubt it...Craigslist, here I come :)

Funny thing is, I was actually thinking of changing to RSCP lol

Maybe I'll try Reef crystals.
I had a bad batch of oceanic one time. It mixed very cloudy. None before and none after have had even a hint of cloudiness.
Funny thing is, I was actually thinking of changing to RSCP lol

Maybe I'll try Reef crystals.

My LFS swears by RSCP. I will be switching to IO Reef Crystals during this transition for the time being.
I'm going to wait a few days with no lights and phosguard to see if the algae goes away, and stays away. My feeding isn't aggressive by any means.

I should note that the issue didn't get worse until I did a series of large changes...but again, the new lights were put in at nearly the same time.

If the problem goes, and stays, away, I'll exonerate the salt mix. I'll know more by this time next week...
I'm going to wait a few days with no lights and phosguard to see if the algae goes away, and stays away. My feeding isn't aggressive by any means.

I should note that the issue didn't get worse until I did a series of large changes...but again, the new lights were put in at nearly the same time.

If the problem goes, and stays, away, I'll exonerate the salt mix. I'll know more by this time next week...

Good luck once again! I'm fighting more than algae, and can hopefully successfully get through this.
What I do is use a different salt each time I go to the lfs. My theory is, what one salt lacks, another makes up for. If something stings me, like the Fluval did, I am reluctant to try it again.
As far as setting someone up for failure....they mix this stuff in giant vats and bucket it up and ship it out. They don't have to worry about the FDA coming to a matter of fact, does anyone come and inspect this industry?
I don't think you do things purposely, but I do think there is a lack of quality control.
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