Beginner Starting a New Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 15, 2019
Hi, so I’m fairly new to keeping fish and at the moment I have one small 10 gallon tank with a platy in it and recently I bought a 60 gallon because ever since I was young I wanted a big fish tank and finally saved up the money. I have been thinking of what fish I wanted but I do not want to overstock my tank or put fish that won’t get along in the same tank together. I did some research but just want to double check that the tank would work out because I’m a little worried that I would be overstocking. I want to get 2 fantail goldfish, 5 corydoras, 5 platys, and a few cherry shrimp maybe around 7-8. I mostly want to know if I have enough space for all of them and if the shrimp and other fish will get along.
Well, I would skip the goldfish as they require lower temperatures than the platys and catfish and add something else. I'd increase the corydoras to six.
Goldfish are coldwater fish and will eat anything that will fit in their mouths. They also get really big (6"+) and are messy fish. Your shrimp for sure will be eaten by them.
The rest are tropical fish, there is a species of corydora that can go in colder water but i don't trust Goldfish. You can keep goldfish in tropical temperatures but they will produce more waste.
You could do just the goldfish. There might be a loach species that could be safe with them.
There are a lot of fish that would be bigger and get along with platys. Mollies and Swordtails for example. Just make sure you have more females to males (at least 2:1) or all one gender when dealing with livebearers. You can tell the gender difference by looking at the anal fin. If it is pointed you have a male, rounded you have a female.
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