Bio-Spira for new tank?

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When using Bio-Spira you need to make sure its kept cold until you use it, and make sure you really shake it very well before adding it. Get the 3oz size (for a 90 gallon tank) and use half of it. Keep the other half in the fridge. You can add practically your entire bio-load after you add the Bio-Spira.

You need to check your water parameters every day to ensure that it worked. Be prepared to do large water changes if you get a bad batch.

Silver dollars get to be 12 inches. A "small group" would probably outgrow the tank.
Here's some info on Silver Dollars
The Bio-Spira and the full tankload (following safe stocking levels, of course) should be added at once. The B-S would self adjust itself for the small group of tetras and you'd probably have a mini cycle to deal with after adding the silver dollars (which is a larger bio load).
The last tank that I cycled it took 7 days. It was a fishless cycle I used bottled ammonia and used old media from one of my other tanks. It was great! I would do that again if I needed to cycle another tank.
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