Biocube or JBJ Nano Cube??

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Oct 10, 2011
Hagerstown, Md
I'm brand new to saltwater and I want to try out a Nano Reef. I'm stuck between the JBJ 28g nano cube and the 29g Biocube. I've been lurking for awhile and it seems as though the Biocube is much more popular...

"lurking" sounds creepy. How about first time caller, long time listener...
I'm brand new to saltwater and I want to try out a Nano Reef. I'm stuck between the JBJ 28g nano cube and the 29g Biocube. I've been lurking for awhile and it seems as though the Biocube is much more popular...

"lurking" sounds creepy. How about first time caller, long time listener...

Cant help you with the decision on the tank but I think "Lurking" is a perfect way to put it. Brings up visions of sharks swimming amongst the fish in a reef. LOL
rdnelson99 said:
Cant help you with the decision on the tank but I think "Lurking" is a perfect way to put it. Brings up visions of sharks swimming amongst the fish in a reef. LOL

That it does!! LOL!!
If you don't hear a response back, look up Carey and she can help you out I think. I believe she has a Biocube.
Both systems have their positives and negatives from what I have seen both here and in other forums. I doubt any of them, or either of them, actually are set up as originally intended as people find ways of modifying things to make them even better :).

I have the Biocube 14G with an upgraded lighting system but the new LED lights on the Nanocube drew me in and I am in the process of making the swap.
I haven't heard bad things from the Bio Cube, other than it slightly overheats. Many people have them! :) Good luck with your tank!
Qube said:
Thanks! From what I've seen, that Carey is a wealth of knowledge!!

If your looking for carey look on my threads about my new nano reef shes been helping me out and is most certainly a FOUNTAIN of knowledge lol!
Carey has a biocube and seems to rate it. Ive just bought an orca tl450 its 12 gallon they also do a 25g i think it seems pretty trick.
As someone said above tho there is a bunch of things you can do to modify and upgrade all of these tanks to your needs.
Definitely appreciate all of the feedback!! Still on the fence, but leaning towards the Biocube just based off of the amount of experience one can gain on this particular setup just from this board!! Just beginning to gather the necessities, so I will certainly be back for some more advice...
I currently have 2 biocubes and love them. Are you looking to buy new or preestablished tanks, that could be part of the answer you seek there. I have heard great things on both tanks. I found my tanks on craigslist preestablished with live rock. One tank had a pair of clowns and the other had sand with cleaning crew. Both where amazing deals I couldn't pass on. I ended up with a bc29 and bc14 with live rock in both for less than the cost of a bc29 new.
I have a JBJ and an aqua pod I like the JBJ filter system better. The biocube I would change up the filter system a little and I really don't care for the light on it. If I was to do a reef tank I would totally get rid of the stock lighting and go with a sunpod 150w on a 24 or anything larger.

I got my tanks used off a local forum both great deals one already had the sunpod on it and the other one had a ebay MH that I upgraded to a sunpod. With the stock PC you will beable to have softies and LPS without a problem.
Going to end up going with a new one- been saving for a bit... I have been checking CL recently, just nothing that really stands out locally here. Both the JBJ and Biocube definitely have their pros and cons, and I am leaning towards the Biocube, but it seems lots of people have issues with the fans. Minor, I know, I'm just fundamentally lazy and expect something minor like that not to be an issue when I purchase it.

Hmmm... We shall see...
Don't know about the JBJ but I had a bc29 and loved it. I gave it to a friend when I set up another tank. He still has it and loves it. Just make sure you get the protein skimmer (sold seperately, of course). The only complaint I had was the cooling fans would get noisy. Cleaning them will keep them going for awhile but they still needed replacement every 6 months or so.
The fans on the BC are not all that difficult to change if you want to upgrade them to a stronger fan. I modified my 14 with the extra CF light (72 watts now vice the stock 48) and even with the new fans there were heating problems.

Now, to be fair for a moment, I had to move the tank into the kitchen as new floors were going down. I have window AC units in the other rooms and there was a definite airflow issue from the other rooms to the kitchen. I added a couple of outside fans and figured out a way to prop and net the cover to keep one of the jumping type fish where he belongs and temp stayed fairly constant. Now that cooler weather has come in, I am not having the heat issue.
Winter approaching is most certainly a blessing for me regardless. That should give me some "buffering" to allow me to get my feet/hands wet :)

I see a coin toss in my future...
Right?!? LoL! Looking forward to the challenges this hobby is going to bring. Sure beats watching tv... ;)
Right?!? LoL! Looking forward to the challenges this hobby is going to bring. Sure beats watching tv... ;)

That why my tank sits right above the TV. When I am sick of the news, I look up at the tank for a few minutes then I can tolerate the news for a few more minute. LOL
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