Blacklight question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 5, 2009
I am about to aquascape my tank and would like to know if adding a blacklight to my tank will have any effect on the plants and/or fish. I will be adding a cobalt blue lobster (crayfish I know) and something along the lines of tetra. I am going to use Dwarf Baby Tears as a groundcover and some swords as well. Also is there a "good way" to hide the filter return without blocking it or creating a waterflow problem?
TheNamelessPoet said:
I am about to aquascape my tank and would like to know if adding a blacklight to my tank will have any effect on the plants and/or fish. I will be adding a cobalt blue lobster (crayfish I know) and something along the lines of tetra. I am going to use Dwarf Baby Tears as a groundcover and some swords as well. Also is there a "good way" to hide the filter return without blocking it or creating a waterflow problem?

It will not affect anything, it will also not help the plants grow so make sure u use your regular light also!for the filter return you could take java moss and tie it around it with fishing line. And it will cover or put a tall plant in front of the filter.
I've heard and recently read on here that the effects of extended blacklight exposure on fish isn't fully understood yet, but many things point to it being bad for their eyes
I've heard and recently read on here that the effects of extended blacklight exposure on fish isn't fully understood yet, but many things point to it being bad for their eyes
I am not an expert but I believe that is only blacklights of a certain kind. There is a kind humans use for fun (laser tag) and a kind used for work (to spot mouse urine). The one for work is dangerous to our eyes so presumably also so for fish!
Thanks for the input :) i just wanted one for fun. To run for a few hours at night. Thought it would look cool.
It dose look cool,i run 3 clip on walmart special's with blacks from 10pm-12am,
Quite interesting to watch the diff behaviour that happens in the dark,HOWEVER....i would not run this any longer than a couple of hours a day

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