brichardi tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 14, 2005
Wichita Ks.
I was planning on setting up a species tank. with Neolamprologus brichardi being the only species in the tank. any input on the setup? I was planning on a 20g high tank. with many caves and rock formation made up of slate. I will use a black sand. does anyone have any info on the care of them? any advise or comments are welcome.
If you are going to keep them in a 20 gal. make sure that it really is a species only tank. They will leave no room for tank mates. You sound good with the caves and sand. They are some of the easier to care for rock dwellers species. Feed them 1 or 2 times a day, temp between 78 and 81 degrees, and try to keep the PH up to atleast 8.0. And be ready for the babies. My Daffodils breed every 3 weeks.
well with my brichardi they mainly stay under the rocks and leave the top unbothered.
I just thought of somthing, what kind of a water flow should the tank have? do they like a strong current?
and would a pleco be ok in the tank? it is a 4 in bull dog, and he holds his own in the peacock tank.
That tank will look great especially with them being nuclear familys. Good Luck. Please psot pictures of it when it is done because I was going to do it before but I changed my mind however I could be tempted.
can do, it will be about a week before the tank will be set up, and about another week before the fish are added, but I will post pics as soon as I have the tank set.
That pleco sounds fine for your tank. You'll need to get about 4-5 juvies to wind up with a pair, and then you'll need to find homes for the extras. You'll know who to remove because they will be the ones cowering in a corner at the surface. This is assuming you are not getting an established breeding pair.

They do not particularly require strong current, but good filtration will be necessary. Their diet is more on the carnivorous side so give them a varied diet, with flake/pellets and frozen/live as well.
well i got lucky, within 3 months of mine they bred. and i only got 2 :).

you can tell the gender when their old enough by their find. i think the dorsal and anal fins on males are more like... longer. female's are shorter, forgot the adjectivew
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