Calico Fantail Twitching

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 20, 2014
Whenever my calico fantail goldfish tony stops swimming his tail kind if goes twitching.He has no signs of parasites and I couldn't really diagnose him from a huge list of diseases over the internet.Please help Tony I don't want him to die.He is only a juvenile at the moment.

Is tony still eating and active? Any visible differences in his appearance or how he acts?
He still eating.I am starting to assume that it's because he's young.He still hasn't developed his egg shaped body although he is starting to develop.I had him for a week and two days so far.
I think Tony will be fine. Just make sure you keep up with the frequent water changes needed for goldfish. And yes he will need a bigger tank faster than you think so i would start looking. something in the 29g range would be the smallest you want to go. He will be beautiful when he is bigger though trust me.
Can you please provide the tank size along with specific water parameters? Water change schedule? Twitching as in tremors/bodily movements (not flashing or itching) usually indicates serious water quality issues and/or excessive toxin exposure. Some more information will help!
As you have obviously researched and found no signs of I'll health, I would suggest this is just normal small fin movement used by the fish to remain in its chosen position.

Signs of poor health caused by disease or poor water quality would include fins clamped down instead of being held erect, fin deterioration, rapid breathing, excess mucus, cloudy eyes, flashing or flicking, poor appetite, gasping at the surface, loss of scales etc as I am sure you have read.

Keep observing the fish and look after your water quality as normal
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