Can anyone ID these shrimp?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 6, 2003
Southern California
I don't really know what they are. They're not nearly as clear as ghost shrimp and don't have that kink in their back like ghost shrimp do.


Bamboo Shrimp, looks like it to me anyways.

Alli, where are you? :D

Their definately not Ghost/Glass shrimp [ Ghost and Glass shrimp are the same thing. ]
LOL I went out to dinner! I do leave the house once in a while ;)

Anyway, I agree with Batty; looks like an amano shrimp to me too; the bamboos aren't quite as translucent and are browner (and big!). Amanos are supposed to be GREAT algae eaters; wish I could find some around here.
Did you buy them thinking they were ghost shrimp? I bought ghost shrimp that began to look JUST like that, they turned out to be Indian Prawn. If they havn't grown pincers, they will.. and they will become more aggressive as well.
Okay, thanks for your help. I've come to the conclusion that they're amano shrimp. I bought a fully established tank from a lfs (my 30g) and when I got some I realized that there were two shrimp in there, and these were it.
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