Can otos control the tough green algae on glass???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 4, 2011
Cincinnati, OH
I finally got some real Otos at the local fish store, having finally figured out the difference between chinese algae eater and true SAE. (I'm hoping they can help with some beard algae in the tank)

I have a bit of that really tough green algae on the glass...the kind that feels rough to the touch like sandpaper, and you really have to muscle through it with credit card or scraper to remove it.

Can otos remove this kind of algae or should I assume I will have to keep on scraping? It is tough to get the areas near the silicone seams and I am always afraid I will slash the seal and start a leaking tank.
Yeah, I think only nerites will eat that stuff, but you never know. My otos will eat anything as long as its new or food;)
Otos do not eat green spot algae or black beard algae. Otos eat soft algae. Some plecos can eat green spot algae like commons and bristlenose. But commons need a big tank as well.

The only thing I know that will eat black beard algae are truesiamese algae eaters. But they also need schools and a large tank.

I agree you may need to think about your nutrient balance. Algae loves phosphates and nitrates. Water changes can help and Excel can also help control algae if you don't inject co2

EDIT: my mag float does a great job on green spot algae. They make an acrylic safe mag float too.
GSA loves light more than anything else. I've got my CO2 at ~50-60 ppm and am experiencing an GSA problem due to light levels.

Further supporting this, BBA = too much light, to little CO2.
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