Can these fish be safe in the same tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 11, 2014
Hey everyone!
I have a 45 gal fluval bowfront that I'm looking to stock with Mollies, tetras, guppies and a Pleco. A person at our LFS said that having a betta in the tank to start will help get the tank started in cycling. Will the other fish start to nip at the bettas fins once it's established? Would a female betta be better than a male for this? If a betta won't work what type of fish would be best to start? Thank you! Any advice is welcome :)
Well Betta's an guppies really don't get along that well because of there flowing fins look similar. Though you could always buy a small 1 1/2 gallon for it after ward. Mollies also get quite large 4-5 inches. Female can be more relaxed them males
Hmm that's what I thought.. Any ideas of what kind of fish would be hardy enough to handle a new tank to get a cycle going? Oh and that would be compatible with the other fish? Thanks for the help
I actually used a beta to cycle my tank, I removed it because he was pretty aggressive. Though I know that danios are pretty hardy and are commonly used as cycling fish
Woah there... Hope you haven't bought yet. Fishless cycling is much faster and easy, less dangerous for the fish, and much less maintenance. I would cycle with the guppies you are going to get. The Pleco will get too big.

Cycling 45 Gallon. ???
My 10 gal: 8 Neon tetras, 1 danio. I have 10 guppy fry as well. I use it to raise fry and keep the said fish.

Cycling 45 Gallon. ???
Just keep testing the water often, when nitrates build up, it's time to do a water change. Test at Least twice a day
Nice! We are going to get guppies and tetras once the tank is more established and are hoping to set up a nursery tank for when we have fry. (Which is pretty much inevitable)
I have nothing to test it with :/ we are looking for a kit but for some reason they are hard to find
Alright then, no problem. I know amazon has API freshwater test kits for a good price. Liquid are better the strips but strips are better then nothing . In the mean time just keep a close eye on the tank, and watch for cloudy water.
Fish-in cycling is simper in chemistry then fishless cycling but has more water changes.
Ok thanks :) I'll definitely go and look for the test strips asap. Is cloudy water a sign of something bad? Our is somewhat cloudy but I figured it was because my tank is new and we may not have rinsed the sand well enough. I've had the filter going for a few days and bought some water clarifier thinking it would help. Thanks for the help! I'm new at this so please bear with me :p
Trust me we where all new at some point, cloudy water is a sign of a baterica bloom and time for a water change.
Oh that makes sense. But we just put fresh water in it a few day ago and hadn't had any fish yet so I don't imagine that could be it :/ thanks tho
Oh ok well I definitely will do a water change when I get back to the tank

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