Carey's Bio Cube Build

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Because Carey helped me out in the past and I'm sure she wouldn't mind me askin.
lol. I never mind questions. I'm still real new though so it's always best to post a new thread so that you can get a mixed result of answers. :) I do it ALL the time! hehehe..

And I'm not sure on the coral I can't see it very well it's a small picture. I'll look again though unless you can get a bigger shot.
As i sit here bored and anticipating the arrival hopefully tomorrow of the replacement bio cube I figured I'd update as to whats been going on with this build. lol

I managed to sell my 55g FW setup last night so I had some money to burn hehehe...

I bought another 10lbs of live sand in a bag. I wanted non live but the texture of that was not to my liking so I matched the sand with what I have already.
Got a battery operated small air pump for the next time power goes out.
Bought a ton of new frozen foods for my fish too.

As far as the broken cube goes, i threw out the tank part yesterday. All the other parts are on ebay and the old hood even has a bid already! So I should almost get my money back, what really irks me is this delay. And of course the fact I had to buy a NEW cube.

I'm gonna call the company I ordered from and see if theres a tracking number. I so want to re start tomorrow. :-D
I have about 10lbs of LR plus about 5lbs of LR rubble. When I had it all setup the other day I had already gotten an ammonia reading of .50 with just the live sand and rock. I anticipate it cycling in about a week or less. I'm not gonna put fish in for some time though. I think I'll start with my inverts, then maybe the candycane gobies then I'm not sure. LOL

I'm gonna need help with stocking eventually but not too worried for now.
You guys are great! LOL

Sometimes he comes at like 11 in the morning, i'm hoping he's ahead of schedule on Thursday. But on bad days he doesn't come til after 4. :-(

I have buckets with sand and heaters and powerheads everywhere, I need a home for this stuff. And once I get the rock outta the 29g I can sell that setup. And hopefully buy a 125g. :-D :-D
You and me both! Anyway, thats' another thread fo another time. :) But yes, I will eventually go 125g on the reef tank.
The cube already has its spot between me and the 125g cichlid tank. The new 125g will go in the place of the 55g SW in my living room. My goal is to have only 3 tanks. One day... Some people dream about getting more tanks, I'm also dreaming about getting rid of some!
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