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I am soo dis appointed. They sold the candycane already. :-( And tomorrow is actual fish day, today is ordering day. :-(
But I'm hopeful for tomorrow. I also was at petco and they have what looks like a candycane too but there was no tag so they couldnt sell it.

I did get some cheato for my pod tank though. So I didn't leave empty handed. Still not happy though. Oh well, another day to wait.
carey said:
I am soo dis appointed. They sold the candycane already. :-( And tomorrow is actual fish day, today is ordering day. :-(
But I'm hopeful for tomorrow. I also was at petco and they have what looks like a candycane too but there was no tag so they couldnt sell it.

I did get some cheato for my pod tank though. So I didn't leave empty handed. Still not happy though. Oh well, another day to wait.

Aww. You didn't ask them to hold it? Or they sold it before you got it?

We had asked them to hold some panda cories at EarlMay one time, and we go in, and they said they had gotten some, but sold them all. They didn't even call us. Stuff like that annoys me greatly.
It kills me cause she had called when it came in. I told her I'd be in on tuesday to pick up all 3. I guess money talks.....This is also the lfs that I had sworn I'd never go back to but they really seem to be trying hard so I figure I'll give em another shot. It's so nice to drive only 15 minutes each way. lol
That's too bad, Carey! I thought they were holding the fish for you. ;(
Will they have your gobies tomorrow?
Thats what they said when I was just in there. If not I am going to bite the bullet and order them online. I really need more fish in the cube. lol It's just the poor scooter and cuc for now.
Well I hope you really get them tomorrow. How's the little scooter? Any more progress with his eating habits? BTW, I was wanting to ask does he have that pretty high dorsal fin?
Anyone think a scooter and lawnmower blenny can get along? i saw the tiniest blenny at petco earlier, it was about half an inch if that. Just wondering since I'm getting antsy for fish
I just saw the dorsal for the first time earlier today and it's huge and pretty, only saw it for a second though. Apparently they flip it up for mating and for territorial issues from what I've read.

he is eating pods very well, I swear he looks a tad bit chubby in the midsection now. lol There's still zillions of those pods on the front and side glass, he only eats the ones off the rocks and the back plastic wall for now. Such a silly fish.
That is a bummer patient though. You will get the fish meant for your tank! I feel the same way...we are waiting on some live rock from a friend of my boyfriend's and he 'keeps forgetting'! I am sick of looking at a bare tank!
I'm so jealous, Carey! I love dragonets! Is it at all possible to buy him a constant supply of pods? Or it is too expensive? I mean they would still live and reproduce in live rock... Just wondering :)

I'm always hesitant to buy live fish from Petco and such. I've seen such horrors there that it made me want to cry.
I would go broke buying him pods! lol I paid $15 for a bottle and $10 for two bags. i have a pretty good population already in the cube from the LR I moved from the big tank. I fully expect him to go through it shortly though. that's why I made a 10g pod tank, I'm growing extras in case I need them. :-D

The poor little fish I wanted to buy from petco was soo cute and didn't look bad like the beta's did. If my order doesn't come in tomorrow I may consider petco for the goby. Maybe.
Awe this is too bad! hope they are there tomorrow. I found out my LFS isn't getting anymore live rock until may 12th, I think I'll go rock shopping in our large tank again haha. Got a few corals today though and my light came in :D uploading pics now.
I just discovered Nutramar Ova frozen food (prawn eggs). The package says its good for "picky eaters" such as mandarins and pipefish. My fish go crazy for it.... So it made me think of your little scooter. Might be worth a shot.
I've never heard of that food before nor have I seen prawn eggs. I'll have to inquire on my next shopping trip. :)

Supposedly today is the goby day. I'm not getting my hopes up cause i was crushed yesterday. :-(

On a good note, scooter is still doing fine and I haven't even added more pods. Still working with him on the frozen though. maybe him seeing the gobies eat will register with him. lol here's hoping anyways...

Would a scooter and a lawnmower get along does anyone think?

Thanks guys for following! Love you all! :-X
carey said:
I've never heard of that food before nor have I seen prawn eggs. I'll have to inquire on my next shopping trip. :)

Supposedly today is the goby day. I'm not getting my hopes up cause i was crushed yesterday. :-(

On a good note, scooter is still doing fine and I haven't even added more pods. Still working with him on the frozen though. maybe him seeing the gobies eat will register with him. lol here's hoping anyways...

Would a scooter and a lawnmower get along does anyone think?

Thanks guys for following! Love you all! :-X

As my Spanish teacher once said, 'Don't get your hopes up, then you'll be pleasantly surprised.'. I kid you not, he really said that to a bunch of kids!!
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