Catching a damsel.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 16, 2012
Blanchard, OK
I have a yellow-tail damsel in my tank that is a menace. The guy at my fish store said it was a good starter fish. He didn't, however, tell me that he would kill everything. He's killed 2 diamond gobies, a yellow belly damsel, 5 peppermint shrimp, and 3 cleaner shrimp in his tenure in my tank.


This is how I'm trying to catch him right now. I've also tried catching him by using two nets and tried fishing him out with a hook and piece of krill. Is there any other methods I can try? My next course of action will be to jam a knife into the hole he sleeps in.
Try at feeding time, I did that and the sucker can right to the top and I got very lucky! Got him with a brine net!! Couldn't believe it.

Good luck!!
Yea nothing like having to rip apart you whole tank just to get a damsel out?
I use two nets when catching the damsels in my tank, and during feeding time is the best time to snag them!!!
I have also tried turning all the powerheads off and getting clear saran wrap and putting over the rocks so they cant go and hide in the rocks. I also heard you can make a trap with a soda bottle. Cut it in half about 1/3 of the way down and turn the top of the bottle inside of the bottle and tape it with strong tape. The part you drink out of makes kind of like a funnel for the inside of the bottle if that makes sense. Then you put food inside and when the fish comes to check out the food and swims inside the bottle you just grab the bottle :).
furrymurray said:
I have also tried turning all the powerheads off and getting clear saran wrap and putting over the rocks so they cant go and hide in the rocks. I also heard you can make a trap with a soda bottle. Cut it in half about 1/3 of the way down and turn the top of the bottle inside of the bottle and tape it with strong tape. The part you drink out of makes kind of like a funnel for the inside of the bottle if that makes sense. Then you put food inside and when the fish comes to check out the food and swims inside the bottle you just grab the bottle :).

He is already doing this, check out his picture. He is using a mino trap in his tank. Same concept.

OP, I can relate. I just tore up my tank to catch a male square anthias. Anthias swim at moch speeds!
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not about to tear down the tank. Something tells me that pulling all that live rock out will destroy the tank. And I'd especially hate for it to recycle. :). What if I jammed a knife into his hole he sleeps in?
Well the goal here is to still practice humane tactics. Moving LR out will not recycle the tank. As long as you move it into a bucket of water. When I did it to catch a fish, I syphoned out a good portion and placed it in that water for my water change.

Infact if you move the LR around a little, it will free up an particles of food and waste. That will be good IMO because the filter and skimmer will have a chance to really get the organics out.
Readingexcalibur said:
Well the goal here is to still practice humane tactics. Moving LR out will not recycle the tank. As long as you move it into a bucket of water. When I did it to catch a fish, I syphoned out a good portion and placed it in that water for my water change.

Infact if you move the LR around a little, it will free up an particles of food and waste. That will be good IMO because the filter and skimmer will have a chance to really get the organics out.

Killing a damsel would be no different than killing a catfish or a deer. He wouldn't go to waste. I'd get him out and fry him up for the cat. I plan on doing a water change today so I suppose I can move some rock out in the process.
Well, I broke down today and pulled all the live rock out of the tank. I like the idea because I was able to rearrange the scenery to look a little more like I wanted it to look in the beginning. And the devil damsel has been caught.
Good to hear. I had to do the same. It was a nice change. I will never get another damsel haha.
h8z2luze said:
Good to hear. I had to do the same. It was a nice change. I will never get another damsel haha.

Me either. My LFS is going to take him back and give me a peppermint shrimp in exchange so I'm on my way there.
h8z2luze said:
That's cool. Your coming up on that deal for sure!

A 5 dollar fish for a 10 dollar shrimp...yea, I made out like a bandit. Lol. I'm just glad that damsel is finally gone.

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