Changing to sand this weekend.

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Just try and relax. Remember to really vacuum your old substrate after you remove the decor. I was really shocked by the amount of waste in my gravel. The water that I left in the tank after pulling most of it out looked like swamp water. It was really nasty. I hooked up a bright light to try and see what I was doing, but it didn't help. I couldn't see the gravel I was scooping out. I would recommend that when get about half the water out, if it looks bad, swap water out bucket for bucket to try and dilute the waste, I didn't, because my OCD had me focused on just getting it done. I hadn't planned the "swap out" so I didn't think of it until I was filling the tank back up. It's done now, and I posted some pics on that thread. Try and have some fun tomorrow.
You're going to love your sand. Im glad you decided to switch. I think that putting down a plastic light diffuser is a great idea (suggested earlier in the thread). You can find it in the hardware store by the fluorescent lights. It keeps the rocks off the bottom of the glass. Your fish will dig around each and every rock so its a must IMO. Can't wait to see the pics. Im on shift tomorrow so call me if you need some advice.
Jmedic25 said:
You're going to love your sand. Im glad you decided to switch. I think that putting down a plastic light diffuser is a great idea (suggested earlier in the thread). You can find it in the hardware store by the fluorescent lights. It keeps the rocks off the bottom of the glass. Your fish will dig around each and every rock so its a must IMO. Can't wait to see the pics. Im on shift tomorrow so call me if you need some advice.

Hey brother!! Long time! Hey anytime tomorrow give me a call!

Yeah I'm glad too! Always wanted to go to sand and finally gonna do it. I'm so nervous haha. Just finished cleaning 100lbs of that black moon sand man what a pain!! I'm shot!!

Not sure if I'm gonna need all 100lbs but figured better safe then sorry. Don't wanna be in the middle and say man! Should have got another bag lol.

So tarps are set up(wife made me tarp half the livingroom) buckets are a go. Sand is sitting in large buckets. Towels are standing by, shop towels, rags, gravel vac, python are all ready to rock and roll.

He's got the river rocks, lace rock and holy rock all cleaned and ready also. So the only thing to do is relax now and wait for him to get here tomorrow morning.
Ok... Up early! Nervous too! lol. Gonna go get something to eat and try and relax. Soon it will begin lol. The breakdown with a breakdown lol :)
Lol. It won't be so bad. Tarp in the living room? Did you wash the sand inside? That's soooooo bad for your drains.
Malawi Freak said:
Lol. It won't be so bad. Tarp in the living room? Did you wash the sand inside? That's soooooo bad for your drains.

Well I live next to the firehouse so.... No lol I did it there and had help. We walked all the buckets back to my place. The wife wanted a tarp in the living room lol. I dunno if it makes her happy. The tarp is in front of the tank and around it. I guess so when taking decor out we don't splash the wood floors? lol I dunno she said tarp I said yes dear.
Convict2161 said:
Well I live next to the firehouse so.... No lol I did it there and had help. We walked all the buckets back to my place. The wife wanted a tarp in the living room lol. I dunno if it makes her happy. The tarp is in front of the tank and around it. I guess so when taking decor out we don't splash the wood floors? lol I dunno she said tarp I said yes dear.

You're a smart man! Happy wife=happy life ;)

Have fun!
Convict2161 said:
Advice on how to clean? Cut a hole in each side I the bag one bigger then the other? But in a bucket little at a time?

Best way I've found to initially clean sand is via bucket/water dumping. Then, when most of the cloudiness has gone away, I use a net that the sand can't pass through (I.e. - brine net) and run it under a faucet for the final rinse. It does not get rid of all the cloudiness, but most of it goes away.
Fishguy1997 said:
Goodluck with the breakdown today!

Thanks! My breakdown or the tanks? lol

Working on it now and getting yelled at for being on the phone lol. I'll have pics later. I know I'm gonna end up changing things probably 4 times.

Pics tonight.
Fishguy1997 said:
Goodluck with the breakdown today!

Convict2161 said:
Thanks! My breakdown or the tanks? lol

Working on it now and getting yelled at for being on the phone lol. I'll have pics later. I know I'm gonna end up changing things probably 4 times.

Pics tonight.

The tanks lol can't wait to see pictures!
Just wanted to stop in with a quick update then back to work.

Ok wasn't as bad as I thought and man was I SHOCKED at the gunk in the gravel YUK!!!!! UGH!!

Man that was disgusting!! Took some time, I had to keep gravel vacing and then dilute the water and vac again and again. I was gonna do fish in but it was a mess.

Had the buckets so I got them out and put some air stones in the buckets plus I have a few battery operated air pumps and I just use those as well.

I put down the eggcrate or light diffuser and sand went in no issues.

Now for the scape!! I hope I don't disappoint!! In the end I've decided to keep some of the Cichlid stones and just mask them with real rock and slate etc.

Pics will up later!!!

Be VERY VERY honest when I post. If ya don't like it lemme know. I can take it.

See ya soon!!

Oh and my wife isn't too happy with the mess. Yeah... I made kind of a mess lol.
That's when you hand her the credit card and say "honey, I saw these shoes you would absolutely love. Why don't you run down to the store and pick them up, you will know which ones I'm talking about."
Malawi Freak said:
That's when you hand her the credit card and say "honey, I saw these shoes you would absolutely love. Why don't you run down to the store and pick them up, you will know which ones I'm talking about."


Glad it went well convict, so no nervous breakdown huh? That's good!!!
I'd like to see soon in so eager to see haha and I want to know how it happened/went down when you have time you got te number hit me up I wana hear all about it haha
Could the sand irritate a fish? I just noticed one has a messed up eye. It's all white and puffy. Can I catch a break with this tank or what?


Pics coming soon!!
Convict2161 said:
Just wanted to stop in with a quick update then back to work.

Ok wasn't as bad as I thought and man was I SHOCKED at the gunk in the gravel YUK!!!!! UGH!!

Man that was disgusting!! Took some time, I had to keep gravel vacing and then dilute the water and vac again and again. I was gonna do fish in but it was a mess.

Had the buckets so I got them out and put some air stones in the buckets plus I have a few battery operated air pumps and I just use those as well.

I put down the eggcrate or light diffuser and sand went in no issues.

Now for the scape!! I hope I don't disappoint!! In the end I've decided to keep some of the Cichlid stones and just mask them with real rock and slate etc.

Pics will up later!!!

Be VERY VERY honest when I post. If ya don't like it lemme know. I can take it.

See ya soon!!

Oh and my wife isn't too happy with the mess. Yeah... I made kind of a mess lol.

Makes you wonder how they survived doesn't it? It grossed me out, and I'm really that it's a thing of the past now. I will never use gravel again. My guys love digging and stirring up the sand, and along with the PH, I'm really hoping that it will never happen again.
Ok here they are!! So..... What's everyone think?













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