Cheap liner

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 28, 2004
Charleston, SC
I am soon to build a indoor pond in my apartment and I was wondering if any of you could suggest a cheap place to buy a liner. I only need a piece about 6 X 10. Any help you can give me the best. I am trying to build it cheap so that I can spend my money on the filtration system I have planned for it.
Water weighs almost 8 pounds to a gallon... Keep that in mind.


I have found them to be fairly inexpensive....

So by 6' x 10' piece of liner, after working it all out, turns out to be about a 3' x 5' pond..... It may be easier for you to go pre-formed.....

I dont have time to type a MASSIVE article to help you out, but you may want to also do a search throughout and see what you can find about good pond filters, etc. My computer is on the blink, So I have limited time to type online.GOOD LUCK! I will check back with you on the progress in about a week....

P.S. You will not need an extremely high-end filter, considering you wont be able to keep more than just a few goldfish in such a small pond.
Why are you buying a liner. Perhaps your money could be better spent buying a plactic tub of some sort. I know rubbermade makes some good ones, and you can often find watering troughs that are a good size at a farm and fleet.

Post your ideas of what you are thinking of setting up.

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