cherry shrimp and guppies?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 29, 2011
Hampshire, UK
Could you keep a cherry shrimp with male guppies or would they harrass it?
Depends on the guppy. I have heard that most guppies do fine with adult shrimp, though they will eat the shrimplets if they can find them. My guppies all pecked my ghost shrimp to death though. So, it depends. I would suggest trying it out with a few ghosties since they are a bit cheaper than rcs in case it doesn't work. :)
Bit of a risk then! Thanks for your help, i'll think it through for a bit
Guppies should be fine, its really a fish by fish scenario but in the larger scale guppies aren't a high risk fish. The main thing to consider is having plenty of hiding places, so live plants would be a great addition if that's something that you are considering.

The shrimplets will however be in danger with any fish that can fit them in their mouth (they are like the size of the lead tip of a pencil... not mechanical) but then again that is where the hiding places come into play.
I would love live plants but i have no idea what to get or how to care for them, comletely clueless!
Not a problem, there is a whole section for planted tanks here and a profile section on different plants, most people starting out go with some kind of moss or low light plant like java fern, anacharis or water sprite, all of which look great. Some might say that anacharis or water sprite require medium light but i have them both growing great in my 10 gallon starter tanks with regular cfl or t8 lights (basic like walmart or petsmart lights).

Most of those listed are pretty simple plants if you have enough shrimp or fish usually the accumulated poop or "mulm" will act as a fertilizer and be sufficient but you can also add the seachem root tabs which will work for the anacharis or the water sprite.

Here is a picture (horrible quality) of my planted 25 gallon, the tree has Taiwan moss and a anubias attached in the back, the little bush like things are rocks covered in riccia (typically a floating plant) the plants behind that are narrow leaf chain words, and behind that is narrow leaf anacharis.

Thanks i think i'll check those out when i get paid, i love your tank, looks good :)
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