Chinese algae eaters...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
I have a quick question on Chinese algae eaters. Has anyone seen or tries mating them? Of the 4 I have, 2 are acting strangely, looks like they are kissing, then they spin in circles around each other, and kiss more. Is this how they possibly mate, or is are they just having fun? They don't seem to be hurting each other, just looks like it's a game or maybe mating. Not sure. Thanks...

26G Community:
1 Bala shark - 5", 1 Red Tail shark - 4", 1 Rainbow shark - 3 1/2", 1 Albino Rainbow shark - 3", 1 Golden Dojo Loach - 8", 1 Dojo loach - 4", 2 Fire Eels - 9" each, 4 Chinese Algae Eaters - 1" each, 1 Bolivian Ram - 1", 6 Glowlight rasboras - 1" each. 55G/75G coming soon.
They've been doing this about 20 minutes straight now.

26G Community:
1 Bala shark - 5", 1 Red Tail shark - 4", 1 Rainbow shark - 3 1/2", 1 Albino Rainbow shark - 3", 1 Golden Dojo Loach - 8", 1 Dojo loach - 4", 2 Fire Eels - 9" each, 4 Chinese Algae Eaters - 1" each, 1 Bolivian Ram - 1", 6 Glowlight rasboras - 1" each. 55G/75G coming soon.
I'm not familiar with anyone having success breeding CAE's. It is possible they are mating, if that is the case, good luck to you!
I looked at some pictures, and just now wondering if they are CAE's. Looking at the pic on the Petco site, doesn't look like it. It's very similar, but mine is silver with a black stripe, and the pic on the Petco site is kind of a light copper with a black stripe. I saw another picture of a Siamese Flying Fish, and it's just like mine. So I wonder if my LFS had it mislabeled. Whatever they are, they sure do a good job cleaning the algae off the glass, haven't had to do any scraping since they were put in there.

26G Community:
1 Bala shark - 5", 1 Red Tail shark - 4", 1 Rainbow shark - 3 1/2", 1 Albino Rainbow shark - 3", 1 Golden Dojo Loach - 8", 1 Dojo loach - 4", 2 Fire Eels - 9" each, 4 Chinese Algae Eaters - 1" each, 1 Bolivian Ram - 1", 6 Glowlight rasboras - 1" each. 55G/75G coming soon.
It's definitely a CAE. This pic looks just like them.

26G Community:
1 Bala shark - 5", 1 Red Tail shark - 4", 1 Rainbow shark - 3 1/2", 1 Albino Rainbow shark - 3", 1 Golden Dojo Loach - 8", 1 Dojo loach - 4", 2 Fire Eels - 9" each, 4 Chinese Algae Eaters - 1" each, 1 Bolivian Ram - 1", 6 Glowlight rasboras - 1" each. 55G/75G coming soon.
Well at least you know for sure now. I have a gold CAE and he is of breeding age, he just got his "breeding horns" recently. No mate for him in the tank though, LOL. I didn't read through the pages but they will most likely offer breeding advice. Good luck again.
It could also just be playing as well. I've never heard of them breeding in captivity as well. So, who knows....

26G Community:
1 Bala shark - 5", 1 Red Tail shark - 4", 1 Rainbow shark - 3 1/2", 1 Albino Rainbow shark - 3", 1 Golden Dojo Loach - 8", 1 Dojo loach - 4", 2 Fire Eels - 9" each, 4 Chinese Algae Eaters - 1" each, 1 Bolivian Ram - 1", 6 Glowlight rasboras - 1" each. 55G/75G coming soon.
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