cichlid discussion

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 16, 2012
Can somebody tell me witch of this chichilids i can put in my 20gallon tank a convict chichilid or firemouth????
Convicts are pretty small and you could keep them in a 20 gal... But I would recommend trying to upgrade eventually... You can find real cheap tanks on craigslist. If you dont want to buy a larger tank later on, then you should probably look towards dwarf cichlids. Check out these beautiful fish that you could keep a few of. And you dont have to buy them online. You could find these at local pet stores.

German Blue Ram, Cichlids: Americas | PetSolutions

Bolivian Ram Cichlid, Cichlids: Americas | PetSolutions

Gold German Ram, Cichlids: Americas | PetSolutions

Electric Blue Ram, Cichlids: Americas | PetSolutions
chichilid discussion

Can anybody give me a list of chichilid species.
That do well in a 20 gallon.
I really want to decorate the tank with some chichilids.
Any replys will help.:)
Similar threads merged.
Are there any fish currently in your 20g? We need that information to be able to help figure out which cichlids would be compatible.
I have 2pictus catfish and a pleco know can somebody give me a list of chichilids.
I can put on my tank
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