Cichlid Help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 29, 2016
Hello I was hoping that someone could offer me some urgent advice. I have a 45 gallon freshwater tank that consists of 3 Baka sharks, 2 Silver dollars, 2 Cichlids and a couple other various fish. The Bala sharks and silver dollars we have had for about 18 months and are all about 4 inches long. The Cichlids we got about a month ago. Everything was fine until today I noticed that there is about 100 baby Cichlid fish in the tank. They are in one side of the tank and the cichlids are right by them. Any time another fish comes anywhere even close the cichlids are charging at the other fish. The other fish are all huddled in the other corner. I don't want my long time fish getting stressed and die. What do I do? I do not have another tank to relocate the Cichlids. I imagine the other fish would eat the babies if I removed the 2 cichlids. Help! Thank you
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