Computer programs?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 5, 2006
Hey what do you guys/gals recommend for free computer programs for logs?

I heard there are some programs out there that you can put your water parameters in, and it logs and helps you keep your water perfect giving tips on what to add, etc.

Does that really exist?
there are a few iPhone apps that look ok if you are so equipped. If logging is all you want to do a nice excel spreadsheet is hard to beat.
I heard there is a monitoring system that check things like temp, Ph, ammonia, etc and puts them in a log you access from the internet.
I heard there is a monitoring system that check things like temp, Ph, ammonia, etc and puts them in a log you access from the internet.

Yeah I don't wanna go quite that advanced just yet, would like a simple monitoring program that you input your values from your water tests, and it builds a flow chart or something over time and graphs for you letting you know what products you will need or where your lacking and possible causes for why things are the way they are.

Not sure if that even exists.
Those programs are pretty old, i tried to use reefcon2000 and it said it dosen't work on a 64-bit OS. Too bad because it look like it could be very useful.
I use "my aquarium" for my droid, it lets you track like everything adn you can upload photos and stuff of your purchases. i used it religiously for a few months but then I got too many tanks and it was a huge hassle. LOL
I use "my aquarium" for my droid, it lets you track like everything adn you can upload photos and stuff of your purchases. i used it religiously for a few months but then I got too many tanks and it was a huge hassle. LOL

I'll check it out thanks :)

And yes, I'm looking for freeware
Tank Keeper seems to be having some issues... I don't have enough information in there yet, but I'm not thrilled with the interface atm...
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