Converting from canister to sump

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 1, 2013
Has anyone ever made a sump and used their canister filters as a return pump?

For example having an overflow and then have the canister intakes in the sump and output back in the tank.

I have 125 and 120 both with three canisters on each but I'm wishing I did sumps because of how easy it is to place a filter sock in there and clean it

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Pretty sure it can be done. The overflows will have to handle the throughput of the canister filters. Also, you will want to ensure that the canister filters do not siphon water out of the display tanks. You can install one way valves in the return lines. If the output of the return lines are below the water level in the display tanks, then you can create a siphon break by drilling a small hole in the return line just above the water line. You can angle it downward 45 degrees to minimize spray/splash. When the canister filters are off, the hole will allow air to enter the return line and break the siphon.
I did this with my sump + power head.

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