cory cats

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 1, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
I am trying to put together a tank list for my 20gal long prob going to do 20 fish about an inch big holding to the rule one inch of fish per gallon of water I know te fish will grow and eventually I ll make changes to accomadate them but I plan on having 2 chinese algae eaters until they get big then I ll drop one into a second tank I plan to have by then but my main question is how many cory cats do you recommend I was thinking 2 but I have read its good to keep 6 I was just worried about them not getting enough food with the algae eaters as well
I would go with five or six cories if I were you. They definitely do better in groups that size. Instead of CAEs why not consider a pair of otos for that tank? I think they would do better at controlling algae if that is why you were getting them.
I would not get any CAEs; they grow very fast and never seem to touch algae also they tend to fight allot if you have more than one. I would go with a Dwarf Bristlenose Pleco or a pair of otos. 5 Cories is a good number just depends on what kind your getting. Panda cories are good choice for a 20L.
Reading your post exhausted me!! Try using punctuation :p

Remember the "1 inch" rule is for adult fish size, minus the tail. If you bang 20 juvenile 1" fish in there they will quickly grow (some more quickly than others) and you risk having serious problems if your tank and/or filtration can't handle the fish. Understock rather than overstock to ensure you keep good water quality, have less to worry about, and so that your fish are all happy :)

But yeah, if you decide to go with the Cats they do much better in groups of 5-6.
I have a CAE, he does eat some algae but not a lot. He grew to 5" quickly. They become very aggressive to other fish. Mine is in a cichlid tank where he is relatively peaceful as the fish are larger in there than in a community tank. IMO, 20 gal long is too small for one CAE never mind 2.

Cory cats are good I have 6 of them.Tthere are also some interesting but small plecos out there too, rather than CAE's. Otos are another option. Small loaches perhaps? The options are limited but there is still options.
thanks for everyones imput. I think what I am going to do now is get 2 otocinclus and 5 albino cory cats because they will stay small. Once again thanks for all the advice
I second (or third lost count) not using CAes for home tanks. They are not a species that most should keep. I just got rid of an 11" CAE. He grew to 5-6 inches quickly but not much afterwards. They do get very agressive and quit eating algae all together. 6 cories will be nice. I'd put 5 otos in a tank that size.
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