Curious Clown Loaches [long story warning]

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Clown Loaches are beautiful fish.

A member from long ago here (and near me) has a 210G tank with appx. a dozen Clown Loaches. They were larger ones years ago 6 inches to 10 inches. Common bigger fish sized.

Also long ago I was gifted 5 various fish from someone's tank who was shutting it down, it was also a very large tank.

One of those was a large ~ 10 inch Clown Loach.

It was amazingly beautiful, in color and shape. But way too large for my tank size at that point.

The fish went to live with that other comical group of fish to enjoy a happy life with friends.

Clown Loaches chase each other around like a pack of puppies
or in line like a choo-choo train cars, sleep sideways,
or nearly upside down,
looking like they are possibly dead, eat innumerable snails,
love piling up into a big clump,
grow a bit slowly
and get really big.

But I never realized, they have magician like abilities and can disappear for weeks.

My four Clown Loaches moved a couple months ago to their larger tank.

For a couple weeks the fish sizes (1) 4.5 inches and (3) 3 inches, went all around the tank chasing each other and hiding around the river stones and under the SW Cypress knees.

Then after being busy a few days, looked in to add a couple baby sized CL getting out of QT.

But the 4 bigger CL were gone. For several days no sign of them.

A group of fish were moved from the 73G to the new 80G, and a Yoyo Loach accidentally came along too.

Often the Yoyo would be seen coming in and out of a cluster of stones. A couple weeks later a huge spray of sand flew out of the crevice.

As the only larger bottom fish in the tank I couldnt believe it could make such a large cloud of sand, and then looking in the tank, it was at the other side of the tank.


Then, one night, I was straining my eyes to check for male Endlers to remove to another tank when an appx 6 inch CL popped out of the stones and scared the heck out of me.

Curious fish. They had dug a big hole into the stones in deep sand in the center of the tank right and made a secret Loach Lair, which could have been envied by gophers or Batman, lol.

They dig holes in sand and between stones and wood. In my other tank was sharpish Eco-Complete and never saw this behavior.

Now have 4 baby CL and the 4 larger ones. Hoping for another 4 babies this week.

What crazy things have you seen from Clown Loaches?
I had a decoration made to look like a treasure chest with a cannon attached.
A bubbler pumped air up through the cannon. I had a young clown loach who would swim in and out of the cannon part to reach the hollow opening inside
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