cycling a bettah tank

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I don't know about the cleating agent, so I can't comment on that, but what you adding 10 gal sounds about right, so you could continue with that. I've never done a fishless cycle before, so I can't really comment on how much of a pH swing your have, but that sounds like quite a lot. Hopefully some one else can comment on that, but you did since you did add ammonia hydroxide, it could be normal (hydroxide is the strongest base ion, meaning that it will raise your pH).

I'm running out of battery, so I can't look up more right now, but I'll get back when I can.

Good luck.
Ok I really need so help! Could adding Amaquel+ before cycling completely screw it up?
No matter how much ammonia I add my test says it is 1.0. Now either my tester ( which is a brand new master test kit) is completely wrong or I'm doing somthing wrong. I bought my 4th bottle of ammonia today. It is Ace hardware brand, I saw it reccommended somwhere for fishless cycling, I tested the water it said 1.0ppm I added two drops it said 1.0 ppm I added two more drops, 1-0 ppm. I did my other tank 1.0 ppm! AGH! I'm so frustrated, I think I may start pulling my hair out. :!: :cry: :puppydogeyes:
First of all, you should stop adding ammonia until you figure out what is going on. That's strange that your ammonia level wouldn't have changed. What's the effective range of the test kit? If you think the test kit might be wrong, you should be able to get your water tested at a fish store, just to check. Everything that I have seen says to continue treating your water while cycling (as the treatment takes care of things other than nitrogen), and I've used amquel with my tank so I know that it's possible. And even if it does work against you, the ammonia buffer created by amquel should have been broken before you say any ammonia.

I've seen some people saying that ammonia chloride is better than ammonia hydroxide, so maybe you could try to find some of that (not that you should need to buy more ammonia).

Maybe you could try the rotting shrimp cycling that an t-aisg suggested (also see which written for saltwater but should work the same for freshwater).

My best suggestion would be to find some one else to test your tank (either a friend with a different kit or a store) now, just to confirm the reading, and then move on from there.
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