Discus question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 9, 2003
Quincy, MA
seranko said:
Hey guys,

I have a 75 gallon tank (less sustrate, driftwood and tubes, let said 60 gal) with 4 discus, 14 neon tetras, 1 clown loach, 1 pleco and 5 algae eater shrimps. My filter is a 404 fluval (340 U.S. gallons per hour).

If install another filter (202 fluval), do you think I can have 2 more discus ???



I think you will be fine, Fluval done a pretty good job! I got a fluval 204, HOT Magnu 250 in my 37 tanks, I keep like 6 severums, 2 cichlids, and a little Pleco in it! :)
Hi seranko:

I've never kept discus, but my understanding is that they need really really crystal clean water. I'd be very careful about adding more fish to your set up because of the kind of fish you are keeping. It might be fine, but I just wanted to make sure that you take that into consideration. Maybe BrianNY or some other discus keeper who knows about what discus need can weigh in...

How do your discus look? Have they gained/kept/increased their coloration since you bought them? This is an essential diagnostic tool, as discus that are kept in water which is below their *very high* water standards (too many toxins or too high a water hardness) or which are fed an improper diet will lose their coloration.

From 'Fish Health' by Dr. Chris Andrews et al. "Water quality can have noticeable effects on fish health and appearance. [*Discus*], for example, are clearly paler in unsuitably hard water."

And: "Nitrite is less toxic than ammonia, being lethal at levels of 10-20 mg/litre. Again, this toxicity varies with species. Guppies, for example, can cope with levels up to 100 mg/litre, while some fish, such as *discus* (Symphysodon discus) suffer increased disease susceptibility at levels as low as 0.5 mg/litre." (Andrews et al: 'Fish Health.' Toronto, Ontario: Firefly Books. 2003)

P.S. BrianNY will almost certainly explicate this further, but carbon filtration is bad for discus, as it stunts their growth.
I think your population of fish is fine and in fact 2 more discus (I'm assuming adults), would make for a happier tank. I have a whole different set of rules for immature discus. I question the neons ability to thrive in the high temps that discus require. I think you might be better off with cardinals or rummy now tetras rather than neons.

Now, I use a fluval 204 on my 29 gal grow out tank(No carbaon as madasafish says). I would not recommend two of them for a discus tank that has any gravel. Keeping them clean would be a PITA. Here's what I would do. Get a good size HOB with a bio wheel. The Penguin 330 is nice. Plus a reasonable size sponge filter. That combined with your Fluval 404 should be just fine if you're changing 50% of the water, and doing gravel vacs twice weekly. Tigerlily is right. Water should clean, clean, clean. BTW I use a diatom filter weekly on my discus tanks.

Oh, and QT your new discus before introducing them to your established tank. An ounce of prevention, ya know. What kind of discus do you have/and planning on getting?

Let's see some Pics :D
If you're interested in diatom filters, Vortex makes the most famous ones, the D-1 and the XL models. The Magnum 350 can also act as a diatom filter.

BigAls has the cheapest prices on diatom filters... $67 for the D-1, which is a steal! Check them out at www.bigalsonline.com under "filters."

I bought mine at BigAls and have had amazing results (got my 55 crystal clear--see the pictures and accompanying comments in my gallery). Also, when I sent in my registration card, Vortex was kind enough to send me a free pack of diatom filter powder in response (no idea why!?). Cool!
nguyen27 said:
seranko said:
Hey guys,

I have a 75 gallon tank (less sustrate, driftwood and tubes, let said 60 gal) with 4 discus, 14 neon tetras, 1 clown loach, 1 pleco and 5 algae eater shrimps. My filter is a 404 fluval (340 U.S. gallons per hour).

If install another filter (202 fluval), do you think I can have 2 more discus ???



I think you will be fine, Fluval done a pretty good job! I got a fluval 204, HOT Magnu 250 in my 37 tanks, I keep like 6 severums, 2 cichlids, and a little Pleco in it! :)
severums are cichlids

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