Dying Angelfish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 25, 2005
I have been fish-keeping for about 5 years. I have 3 tanks (160, 125, & 29 gal). Recently, I noticed that one of my adult angelfish in the 160 gal had a film on his body. Shortly after that, I noticed the same film on my other male. Just before this had happened, I had bought 4 small angels in an effort to make the 2 males stop fighting over the 2 females I had. Within 2 days of purchasing the young, 2 were dead. Then my 2 males got that film on them. I began putting Melafix in the tank. 3 days later, one male was dead. 2 days later, the other male. I discontinued using the Melafix after the first one died. Last night, I came home from work to find one more baby, and both of my adult females dead. Now I have one baby left. Here's some additional info on my tank:

I am using a Rena Filstar X3 canister filter.
The rest of the tank is populated with the following: 2 Pangasius Catfish (1 about 13 inches, the other about 3 inches), 1 Bala (approx 12 inches), 2 adult Silver Dollars, 2 adult Pink Kissers, 2 Plecos, 1 Chinese Algae Eater, 1 Clown Loach, 1 Red Tailed Shark, 1 Striped Raphael, 1 baby Angel, and 4 baby Silver Tipped Sharks.
The tank has about 4 inches of sand in the bottom and is sparsely planted with live plants (the fish keep digging them up). I try to do 25% water changes at least 1-2 times per month.
I have had most of these fish for a couple of years, with the exception of the baby angel and the silver tipped sharks. I just got them a few weeks ago.
No new decorations added since we moved 4 months ago.
Their diet consists of mostly tropical flake 2 times per day. A couple times a week I replace one feeding with frozen bloodworms or frozen krill.

None of the rest of my fish seem to be sick at all. I'm confused. I am really upset over this. Is there some kind of disease that is only prone to Angels? Any information would be appreciated.
Angels are similar to discus and are more susceptable to internal parasites. It may be possible that your new additions to the tank infected your other angels. I'm sorry for your loss. In the future, you need to quarantine your new fish for 2 or 3 weeks in a quarantine tank, although I'm not sure you would have known if they had parasites even if they were quarantined.
My guess would also be that your new fish brought something in with them. I would start doing some daily partial water changes, or every other day, of about 20% or so. What does the film look like? Is it fuzzy or cloudy? Is it in patches or all over? I would move any sick looking fish out of that tank and into a hospital tank if you have or can get your hands on one.
Well, unfortunately, I don't have any of them left because they all died (except for the one baby one). The film was all over their bodies. I didn't see it on the females because one was white and the other was marble....but the 2 males were dark silver and black so it showed up real well on them. Either way, they are all gone now, and all the rest of the fish seem to be fine. I'll keep doing water changes for a while. Thanks you guys.
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