Eleocharis Parvula

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 2, 2004
I noticed a few people looking for Eleocharis Parvula (dwarf Hairgrass) and i too have had trouble finding the stuff. (several possible online retailers, but none locally)
Anyhoo, before i go mad looking for it, i want to make sure i have a chance with it..... i've read it likes fine substrates. Anyone had any experience with it and eco-complete?
Does it spread quickly?

I tried it in eco-complete. it grew, but not fast, and not thick. Didn't exactly have the best lighting setup. It wants 3pwg, CO2, and avoid having large bottom feeders who'll destroy the new growth by swimming through it.
I have 4 wpg, co2, and the only bottom feeder(sorta) are my SAEs. Sounds like i have a small chance. :)
I tried it in eco-complete, but my barbs would keep pulling it up before it got rooted well. I finally gave up.
Unfortunately, I'm finding SAE's to be very hard on plants. They'll destroy fine, needle leaved plants like rotala wallichi, mayaca, etc. They damage ground cover like glosso, hairgrass, microsword, etc...

And frankly, I've wiped out so much of my algae, they mostly live off of the sinking tabs I feed my tanks.
I've got Dwarf Hairgrass under 2.6WPG , Eco and pres. CO2. It does spread at a decent rate, however, it is thin. I was hoping it would fill into a nice, full carpet. Like I've seen pics on the net. I think it will eventually, it just take's time.

From the research I have done. It appears a good deal of foreground plants prefer a finer substrate. Stands to reason, since most foreground plants have a fine, compact root system.

None of the fish in this particular tank root around in the substrate, so I don't have a problem with uprooting. I could certainly see where this would be a problem with fish that like to rearange thier home.

I've seen Dwarf Hairgrass at both my local Petco and Petsmart. If you have either of these locally, you might check them out. If you do happen to buy plants from a daisy chain pet store. I can't stress enough, how important it is to dip the plants in a bleach solution to kill any algae, bacteria or snails. Any of these usually accompany plants from daisy chain pet stores. HTH
i had dwarf hair grass, i got mine online and it was called eleocharis acicularis? but anyway i didnt have co2 and i only had just over 1.5wpg it grew fast, and covered a reasonable area quickly, (see this ) but it didnt grow tall or straight lol it was kinda curled over... i've got sand so it grew nice and tightly, i have no experience with eco-complete but if you imagine that it will only grow inbetween the grains then you should have a good idea of how tightly it will grow... also it does get up rooted easily, its such a light plant and the roots dnt go deep...
If I remember correctly. Theres a few species of Dwarf Hairgrass. Is'nt the parvula species the shortest? I think it only gets 2-3" tall. Where as acicularis grows to about 4".

At any rate, I see it on Aquabid fairly often.

Nice looking tank Chrism. I've never seen a Crinum with that big an onion base.

I did have a nasty bout with hair algae recently. Had to toss half my hairgrass it was infested so badly. What survived is actually filling in nicely.I agree with the size of substrate. Bigger grains seem to cause thinner growth. On the other hand. If you ever venture onto the AGA website and view some of thier setups. You'll see theres many tanks with various subtrates that have a beautiful carpet of hairgrass.
Yup, parvula is the shorter variety. The AGA site is what inspired me to try it actually.... i saw a 2002 entry that i fell in love with :D
i've tossed mine now, ended up infested with algae like u said, (still battling with hair algae)

ah didnt know that :) everyday's a school day as they say!

i know its huge! i was shocked, thats moving into another tank soon...

the AGA site is very nice, some fantastic tanks

Hope you find some :D and dnt forget to post pics when you do!
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