Ensuring a happy homecoming

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 29, 2013
N. Illinois
I have some wild rams on the way and I want to know what should I do the make sure they arrive alright and acclimate right. I have their tank set up and seeded with established media. It's been up for about a month. I plan on drip acclimating them. Any other tips from those who have received wild fish before or had fish shipped to them? This is a first for me
Subscribed! Even though I might not be able to help that much, I would at least like to tag along and see how your wild fish do :)
Alright I went home to get my package of rams after work. After opening the box the newspaper was all wet. The first bag I pulled was the female and she was just fine. The second bag was the male which had nearly no water in it and he was laying on his side. Me and the girlfriend thought for sure he was dead. I poked him and he jumped so I immediately put him into the female bag and started to drip acclimate them. After looking at the box somehow a old rusted screw made its way into the box and must have popped his bag. After acclimating for a few hours I released them. Both are looking good besides the typical new fish stress. Hopefully tomorrow they will have a little better color. All I could get for now was a picture of the female. And the screw


The look okay this morning, a little slow to waking up but they probably aren't used to the leds on the tank. The male has a little scratch or something in his dorsal. I'm guessing its from squeezing between some rocks. Other than that they seem good.
Not sure if it was a scratch or what. It was a little white fleshy looking thing on his dorsal. I thought it was his fin but after closer inspection it looked like it was on him. I will keep an eye on him. In not sure if it was something from the tank or what
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