Even More sand questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 26, 2003
Hartford CT
i am getting ready to add my substrate..I have southdown playsand..I have done all the rearch on here silica vs aragonite etc etc..Now do I def need a dsb? How much playsand should i do then..i was thinking 3". Is this ok? I have a 75gallon tank.

As far as the playsand..Should I wash it before I put it in the tank..Whats the best procedure with washing the southdown...

1 last question...Should the liverock go in and cycle before adding substrate or should I add substrate tommorrow and then the liverock(which comes in friday).

Thanks guys..someday ill have an answer to someones question!
Beerman says:

Don't wash it. You'll lose the small, valuable particles.

Add liverock before the cycle, not after, or it will cycle again.

6" of sand for maximum dsb benefit.
my opinions:

Don't Rinse.
Put sand in the tank while the tank is dry (if its not too late)
- I would say 3"-4" minimum depth check out the Calculators section to see how much sand you'll need.
Add RO water.
Bring it up to Temp
Add Salt to 1.023 (or desired level)
Add LR
- if your LR came from a LFS and is cured you may want to add 1 uncooked shrimp

Thus begins your cycle.
Thanks guys...I already have the water in the tank and its heated\salinity\ph ok..Should i still not wash the substrate?


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