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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 7, 2003
Minn USA
I am pretty new to the hobby but acquired a established tank, I added 2 featherduster about 4 weeks ago (beautiful), they seem to be always open and healthy, I added 4 minature featherdusters (colored) 11 days ago and they did fine too. Now yesterday I noticed they didnt open much and today i havent seen them at all. I do suppliment feed them everyother day, please can somone tell me if this is normal or what I should do, tested the tank and all is normal thanks
i have a couple in my reef and at times they just hide i thought there heads had fallen off ...drove me nuts , until i found out it is normal for them to hide until they become familuar with the tank .......Oh you dont have any Blennies in the tank do you ? Blennies enjoy feather dusters as snacks and they will hide to protect them selves
No, I dont have any blennies in my tank, tho they really are cute too. But isnt it unusual for none of them to fan out? thank you for the reassurance
give it a little more time , im sure your dusters will be just fine , as long as you have good water quality you will be ok.
as far as feeding they will pop out to eat when there hungry . keep an eye on the tank when the lights are out and see if there out when it is dark

let me know how you make out
AngelFish_03 said:
I do suppliment feed them everyother day, please can somone tell me if this is normal or what I should do, tested the tank and all is normal thanks

Feeding that often really isn't necessary and will lead to eventual problems. Once a week at most will do. Less in a more established tank, if at all.

What type of fish are in the tank and are there any ornamental shrimp?

I just looked at them again and hanging out quite far of one of them a brownish thing but when the clowns get close it goes back in, just really worried. thanks
No shrimp, 2 clowns, a orange shoulder tang, yellow tang and that is it for fish, just started the suppliment feeding and done only 4 and prob not every otherday. thanks
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