Feeding Dwarf Puffers

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 16, 2017
Western Washington
I have one Dwarf puffer in a 5 gallon tank. He is doing great, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on foods that have worked for them, or techniques that they have had success with. I knew that they were picky eaters before I got him, and so I was ready for a challenge, but I'd rather not run to the "local" fish/pet store (the two closest are 1/2 hour and 1.5 drives). I was hoping to try to get him on frozen bloodworms, but I haven't been able to get any to try yet.

So if anyone has any suggestions or comments, that would be great.
Also, I live in Western Washington, on the coast, so if anyone knows of any good fish stores in the area (Just thought I'd throw it out there, I know it's rather sparse), That would be great too.
I have a separate tank to raise ramshorn snails for my puff. But I'm sure if you put an ad on your local Craigslist someone could set you up with pond snails to raise and feed. I also culture grindal worms. He slurps then up.
If you don't have any luck there some pet stores have pond or ramshorn they give away. Or you can buy feeders on eBay.
So far I've gone to the pet stores and have asked for snails off of their live plants, which they have given me. I've had some luck with that.

Have you fed them frozen bloodworms? I have read that some people have had success with those, but I haven't tried them yet.
Update: As I ran out of feeder snails, I decided to try some sun-fried shrimp. The first day he just kind of stared at it (they were pretty small, so I stuck it on the end of a long toothpick/skewer. He didn't bite, so I took it out of the tank. The second day, he took a few bites, and today he ate about half of 2. He seemed to enjoy them. I know dried foods don't usually contain the same nutrition as live or frozen foods, but as an alternate food, he seemed to really enjoy them.
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