female betta fish ready to spawn

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Apr 27, 2017
hi guys, so I've just bought 2 female bettas and one is ready to spawn, I have no male but my friend does so I was wondering if the male would make a bubble nest and take care off the fry even though they aren't his? if he will, how long will I need to keep the male for because he isn't mine. or can the babies survive without a bubble nest or anything. thanks!!
Yes the male will raise them until they are free swimming roughly 5 days
Then you must take him out or he will eat the fry
Any other questions ask i breed betta
Yes the male will raise them until they are free swimming roughly 5 days
Then you must take him out or he will eat the fry
Any other questions ask i breed betta

thanks. just any tips really, I've never bred them but I want to start and it looks like I'm starting early haha
Make sure theres no substrates (rocks) he will lose the eggs in the substrate.
As soon as they have mated and dropped eggs you must take her out or she will eat the eggs
Dont feed him, itll foul the water and hell be distracted from the eggs (he literally wont sleep for days so he can make sure theres no fungus etc.).

It can be quite difficult to breed these guys you will need much help
You can feed him live mosquito larvae as its a quick feed and wont foul the water
However you need to colloect the live larvae
You can feed him live mosquito larvae as its a quick feed and wont foul the water
However you need to colloect the live larvae

how would I collect that? and it turns out both of them are ready so I have to go and buy a male tomorrow, I was planning on buying a male, just not yet
Basically need dirty water, the filthier the better (preferably decomposed leaf matter or rotting meat), leave out in a spot with 80% of the day shade, may take a couple weeks depending where you live

You can mate both females with one male at the same time, and dont breed one after the other it will stress him out to much possibly to death, my male is still recovering from last breed

Feed him up full (of normal food) for a couple days before you breed too so he has fat deposits to live off, 3 to 5 times a day in small doses and only do this before breeding not as regular feed
This is not something you're going to successfully "pull off" on a whim. Despite the sheer abundance of bettas, they're actually a task to breed. What will you do with the fry? Unless they're something spectacular they'll be feeders... go into any pet store and I guarantee you'll see more bettas per square foot than any other living creature in the store. Besides... they'll just kill each other to death in the process.. do some research, pick the best of the best if you're serious.
Before you breed, be sure you know what to feed the fry too, they a extremely small and need even smaller food

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