Female bettas losing color

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 9, 2003
Frederick, Maryland
Hey guys, you might remember I got 4 female bettas a while back. 2 went into one tank and 2 into another. Well, one from each tank is starting to lose huge patches of color, like their color is leaving and left behind is a whitish patch. I just found one of them now covered in a fungus, and started treating, but I dunno if it's going to make it. :( I'm so confused. I've had them for a few weeks now, and they've been doing so good. I thought I was giving them a better home and now 3 out of the 4 of them are sick. :(

The color doesn't look like a growth of anykind, no fungus or bacterial infection. The fish are acting 100% fine, their color is just, literally, dissapering.

Any ideas? :?
Hey guys, just an update. One of the bettas that was losing color died... it was so weird. They were fine for 3 weeks or so, so happy, then one day half the color is gone and I have an almost stark white fish. Then the other betta that wasn't losing color, but was in the same tank as one of them, died too. :( They developed a fungus on them. I tried treating with ick clear tablets, as that was all I had on hand, but by the next day they were both gone. :(
Sorry about that, Lindsay. My guess is that the bettas probably had a reduced lifespan due to bad genes - who knows where the lfs get their bettas?

I've lost a couple of bettas over the years to internal infections manifested in the form of dropsy.
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