Figure of 8 puffer

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 31, 2004
Could somebody please tell me what the normal behavior of a fig 8 puffer is,Ive just bought one and in the shop he was "resting" on the gravel in the corner of the tank.In my tank he just "rests" on the weeds,sometimes his tail seems to be curling and he doesnt swim about at all.I cant see any obvious signs of illness but his top fin is relaxed and floppy.Is this normal?
water-78F,ammonia 0ppm-nitrite 0ppm-GH 7-pH 6.8.
[center:04a0184850] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, supermatelot! :n00b: [/center:04a0184850]
I don't keep puffers, but from reading about them on this site, your puffer sounds normal.
Are you keeping the puffer in with all those other fish? From what I have read and researched on puffers, they do not do well in community tanks and are best kept be themselves due to their nipping behaviors.
He is in with my other fish,seems to be always at an upwards angle of 45 with his tail curled and mouth half open now.
Mouth half open is normal for a puffer. That's just how it looks because of the beak. Tail curled is normal, because they use it more as a rudder, they don't really use it to propel themselves. Although it's not normal to always be curled, usually just when they are trying to swim backwards or something.

Those are both in theory of course. If your puffers mouth is literally wide open then that's not what im talking about. I don't know about the upwards angle... never seen mine do that. Well good luck, sorry I wasn't of more help.

He is still resting on the bottom,curled.I have put some shrimp in the tank but he hasnt seemed to notice anything.
Give him a day or two, sounds like he may just be getting used to his new home. Keep an eye on him for any obvious signs of illness like twitching/darting/rapid breathing he'll probably be fine though.
i have a green spotted puffer, who joined me a few weeks ago. hes just now learning that im mommy and that mommy = good :) when i first brought him home he was very shy, hiding where ever his fat little body could, and keeping out of eye sight. it really freaked me out when he first slept, since my columbian shark does not sleep, i thought he was ill. but all is well. i agree that he could be adjusting. as long as he doesnt look ill, and your water levels are good. is he in quarantine? give your little guy some time to chill, and see if he gets any better. my puffer keeps his tail curled sometimes, and hes always holding his fins in some odd way, but thats definitely a puffer thing! as for the shrimp, the first time i put shrimp in the tank w/ tequila (my gsp) he was like 'okay thats nice. whatever.' it took him awhile to figure out they were food. i just now finally got him to eat a cricket, i had to literally shove it in his face, and at that point you could see a light bulb go on.
~goodluck, and keep us posted!
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