First 150 gallon build!!!

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Did it work good for you? How did you make yours? Im gonna try to do it tonight while I'm moving all my fish over, so I can just release that female into the tank and not have to worry about it.
Okay I got everyone moved over this evening and added the rest of the rock I had. My holding female seems intent on keeping her eggs but we'll see over the next couple days. She wasn't hiding in the new tank at all which was weird but who knows. Picture pictures....

Thoughts and comments?any possible improvements I'm missing? Keeping in mind more rock to come. :)


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Bully it looks nice , I like the sand. I just went with black sand in the 55 i put together.
As for the holding, I don't have alot of experience but, I have Peacocks and I removed the holding female put her in a 10g and she eventually spit on her own. I eneded up with 26 plus fry I gave away to a friend who wanted them.
I think most mouth brooders are the same concept. Think she would be okay just in a breeder? I'd feel bad her being in such a small area, but at the same time it would be impossible to catch fry in that tank. And she just started holding less than a week ago. What I think I'm gonna do is try to get/make an egg tumbler and strip the eggs from her. Have you had any experience with those?
I have not had experiece with them but hey it dosent sound bad, I personally just dont like the idea of stripping the eggs (its a personal thing) thre is great advice by folks who know but anyway I like the semi natural

I put my holding female in a 10 gallon and she really did act as if it were a relief not to have to be on the look out all the time. after she spit it took a while , she would suck the fry back in every time I walked up to the tank. after a week or so she stopped and that is when I caught her and put her back in the main tank (night time with lights out so she could re aclimate) she is doing great.
the egg stripping worked for me on one occasion, but that was well over a year ago and less that half the eggs hatched when all were fertilized. i reccomend putting her i a breeder and waiting til u can see fry in her mouth, then waiting a furthur 5 days for them to strengthen before stripping them into a breeding net to be fed up.
i used a plastic tube (very thoroughly cleaned) that came with duck toys inside (lol) so it was basically 10cm diameter and about 15cm tall. then i made a hole in the bottom of the tube with a stanley knife big enough for the bubbler pipe to fit through nothing else.
i got a bubble maker with an airstone and pipe.
attatched pipe to bubbler, put pipe partly through the hole in the tube.
put airstone on the pipe now in the tube.
i got a pair of tights-material ankle socks and used one to cover up the other end of the tube where the lid would have gone. kept in place by 3 elastic bands.
thats a DIY tumbler in essence, just put in a warm tank and activate the bubbler. obviously put the eggs or young fry in the tumbler then put on the netting lid. and it works ok but nowhere near as good as nature x
I wouldnt normally strip them either I had one that was just holding them way to long, and then in this case I'm Afraid she's gonna spit them out from all the stress of being moved so many times.
I think I'm gonna do it tonight, just depends on how bored I get. Lol If she is hiding and actually acting like she is holding when I get home I'll leave her alone but last night when I put all of them in the new tank she was out and swimming around like everyone else. Didn't even make an attempt to find a new place to hide(which is what I expected). And there is always a chance that she spit them last night after I left. I'll know more after I get home from work. if I do build it I'll make a new thread so people can follow the progress of the eggs developing. It will be a cool experiment and process.
What do you mean get bored? I stripped my last female so I can and have the stuff but I've never stripped eggs before. I have to build the egg tumbler tonight... Still not quite sure how I'm gonna do it.
So I built a tumbler. I don't know if it works good or not... Only problem is I can't catch the female now. The tank is so deep it causes some problems. I just can't believe I let her go into the big tank. I ha her in a 30 gallon with everyone else when that tank busted and could have just kept her until I had a good tumbler. Defiantly wasn't much thinking ahead going on.


It's an old gravel vac tube modified a bit. I'm not super happy with it. Think it will actually work?

Plus some extra pics from the tank earlier. She still has the eggs but even if she holds them full term Im pretty sure the FX5 will suck them right up


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that will work better than mine as it is sturdier - and that is an epic tumbler btw perfect following!!
imo i think to catch her you need to put a fairly deep but small cave in there. one that has a bottom, sides and top only a mouth for fish to enter. let her get used to it and she should take to it. then put a net over the opening and take out the whole cave. iv done this so many times its silly ha.
then put her in a breeder net for stripping or put her in the 30.
the tumbler doesnt need to run at all until the eggs or fry are in it xx
well done!!

btw, when i said bored - my ob zebra got bored of holding and frustrated that holding meant no eating. so she swallowed them :(
That's what I'm gonna do tonight. I think some small pots would work good for her to get used to that I can pull out of the tank easily.
I know it doesn't need to run I just had it on for effect. :) I'm really glad you think it will work, it only took about 10 minutes to make. If/when I catch her I might make a new thread so more people will see shad going in. Watching them develop will be so cool. If one goes bad how do you get it out?
I figured out my "blue dolphin" demasoni predicament. They are "giant demasoni"
Aka "blue dolphin". So my lfs didn't mislabel anything like I had thought, I just bought a different kind of "blue dolphin" which is kinda dumb but they are a pretty addition. Apparently they have much better attitudes and get bigger. Idk.


Found this last night while looking through the Livefishdirect website. Mystery solved.
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