First timer from Memphis

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 16, 2012
Cordova, TN (Memphis)
Hello All,
I read several posts/threads in this site AFTER i purchased my tank, so I already know that in some mind's I am a fish sadist. I purchased a starter 5 gallon tank for more of a decorative piece for my office. My original thought was a Betta with maybe 2 or 3 guppies and a ghost crab. Looks like that may be a bit much judging from several of the opinions I've read. I'll keep reading to see what can give me the most attractive tank without creating health/compatibility problems for the fish. I haven't bought any yet, so no mistakes there.
I've had a 5 gallon, and sadly there isn't much you can do with it. You can get 3 guppies, which are colorful and hardy, or 5 neon tetras (although it's recommended they have more room)
I suggest a Betta. I wouldn't put neons in something to small. I don't think guppies will work either, though someone may know better.

You could maybe add a snail or two in with the betta. I'm not very familiar with them but I see the suggestion all the time.
What are the dimensions of the tank? You could do a school of 6 nano fish like ember tetra, chili rasbora or celestial pearl danio. If you'd prefer a betta you can try it with a snail and/or some shrimp but some bettas won't tolerate tank mates (a betta + guppies are generally not a good idea and in a 5 gal it wouldn't work anyway). I have a male betta alone in a 5 gal and he's sometimes more interesting to watch than my community tank.
librarygirl is right, a beta and a snail might be the way to go. Betas can be very interesting and I had a snail who was hilarious. He would climb up some of my artificial plants and jump off. I watched the snail more than the fish in the tank. As for tamtam's post, I've had guppies in my 5 gallon numerous times and they have done fine, so if you want guppies you could probably have some.
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