Fish acting strange

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 12, 2017
I have a 5 gallon tank with one Gourami, two mollies, two snails, and onee suckerfish. one of my mollies is a dalmatian and hes acting kinda strange. He is at the top of the tank, he swims and eats fine, but when he tries to swim to the bottom he floats to the top of the tank and its like one part of his body weighs less than the rest. Its so odd and i have never seen it before.My golden molly, his tail starts to kinda floats low then when she moves the tail goes back to normal. Can some one please tell me and help me whats going on with my fish?????
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I have a 5 gallon tank with one Gourami, two mollies, two snails, and onee suckerfish. one of my mollies is a dalmatian and hes acting kinda strange. He is at the top of the tank, he swims and eats fine, but when he tries to swim to the bottom he floats to the top of the tank and its like one part of his body weighs less than the rest. Its so odd and i have never seen it before.My golden molly, his tail starts to kinda floats low then when she moves the tail goes back to normal. Can some one please tell me and help me whats going on with my fish?????

five gallons Is to small for a gourami (minimum 10 gallon), what kind of mollies, what kind of snails, what kind of suckerfish, and what type of gourami...
What are your parameters?
Its a mini gorami a dalmatian sailfin molly and a Cremecicle Lyretail Molly. The snails are mystery snails and the sucker fish is a rubberlip plecostomus
And I'm not to sure what parameters are. New to the tropical fish
I suggest you quickly purchase a API master test kit.
Sounds like ammonia poisoning which leads me to ask, did you cycle your tank? BP's are to large for your tank, they need a thirty gallon minimum (for newcomers) (20 is generally the minimum publicly). Again gourami's are to large for your tank as well, need 10 gallons minimum. Do you have a heater? filtration? I need all the information you can provide me with.
I have a filtration system and a heater it's a topfin tank and filter
Cycled the tank?
I know it doesn't sound good (but its what is best for the fish), I suggest returning the dwarf gourami, Pleco, basically everything but the mollys until further research and knowledge has been gained. :D
Once you get that test kit though you can tell what your ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, gh, kh is. For further tank and fish care.
Forgot to ask did you dechlorinate the water?... also you could fill that water way more than it is.
It was recently filled and yes the tank has been cycled. I have had the dwarf gourami for months and nothing has happened to him. We have had the tank for a while. It's just the molly I was concerned about because he's the only one doing that. All the other creatures are perfectly fine and swimming around happily.
Yes I did dechlorinate the water. I have water conditioner in there
Ammonia poisoning:
You tank is overstocked and is in (from the picture) 3.5 gallons which for semi territorial fish (gourami), and the bristlenose pleco is not suitable.
To clarify: your molly has ammonia poisoning. caused by the above.
I've seen the symptoms of that. And that does not sound like what my fish has. I got the tank and it even said a 5 gallon tank. It's not 3.5
I've seen the symptoms of that. And that does not sound like what my fish has. I got the tank and it even said a 5 gallon tank. It's not 3.5

half of the number five, is 2.5 sorry. You have your tank in the picture filled only halfway (rough estimate).... making it 2.5 gallons of water not including substrate and ornaments.
Swim bladder disease is what your molly may have, that or ammonia poisoning.
SBD is caused by
do you know how much dechlor. you used?
Just what the bottle said. 5 ml. And I looked through that article. The thing is he is struggling to get to the bottom. Not being stuck at the top.
Quoted from the article
"If severe buoyancy problems exist, the fish may not be able to feed normally or even reach the surface of the water."
"Fish suffering from Swim Bladder Disorder exhibit a variety of symptoms that primarily involve buoyancy, including floating upside down, sinking to the bottom of the tank, standing on their head, or struggling to maintain a normal upright position."
He's struggling to swim around the tank he tries but he can't hes just stuck at the top
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