Fish ID help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 8, 2006
Brandon, FL
Just saw 2 fish at the local shop in a planted display tank. Kid didn't know the name, not for sale... Built kind of like a 3" shark, or more like a large torpedo shaped tetra, distinguishing features were a beautiful bright red head (the top of the head) with lateral stripes of black and yellow, and olive-drab-grayish body. My first thought was some kind of asian fish, or possibly from africa, didn't eat plants, but seemed like they should be in a school as the two of them stuck by each other, swimming happily tho. Can't find any pics on the web as I don't know what they're named. Any thoughts? He said when they get them in they're kinda pricey for community fish.
YEAH that was them, but these guys were really nice specimens. The colors were unbelievable, must have been healthy adults. THANKS ALOT for the link!
JustOneMore20 said:
They are awesome looking fish...wish I could get my hands on a school!
I just talked to my friend in Fort Lauderdale, he lives right near Big Al's Aquarium Supercenter (the only USA location, I think) and he says they always have them there, four to five inches and always colored up BUT they do sell for almost thirty bucks a piece, so I think I am going to have to become a lawyer or a doctor before I can get a school. Man are they sharp looking fish, tho.
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