Fish Night Light

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 22, 2010
Hi there!

I was wondering if there is any type of light I can put in my aquarium to light it up a bit at night.

My aquarium is located in a corner, near no windows. So at night when I turn off the aquarium light it goes extremely dark. I usually ease my fish by having an overhead light on, and then turning it off after the aquarium light.

Now back to the question,

Is there a light to use at night, so that I can still see the aquarium? But the fish can't? They think it is night?

Otherwise, at night, and I am a nighthawk, I can't see anything in my aquarium. What should I do?

PS. I would like to upgrade the light bulb that came with my setup. What does everyone recommend? The light it currently gives off is very white. I'd like something a little warmer.
There are blue LED lights which you can get to resemble moon light. I brought a light set up with the LED in it, but the fish seem to go crazy when I turn it on.
They sell these Marineland LED air stone wands at my lfs, they are a little bulky but if you can hide it in a log or a sponge or something it may be cool. I personally think the blue LEDs are cooler though maybe more $.
The above link one does need an air pump. After more research the Marineland bubble wand has an air pump built in! ( i may look into this) looks like they are about 25 bucks too!

Marineland LED Bubble Wand - 8 1/2 in. - Blue | Air Stones & Wands | Air Stones & Wands | Aquarium -

and you can change the color on them! (oooooooohhhhh, its like a hot tub) lol

Since I'm in the market for this and just about to purchase through Amazon I wanted to clarify this previous post. The Marineland DOES NOT contain an air pump, it is just a lighted bubble wand. You still need your own air pump to drive this (unless you just want the submerged lighting). I'm going to order one of these today and see how it goes in my 10 gallon shrimp tank. I think I'll be keeping this on 24/7, with my normal aquarium lighting on for 8hr per day.
I used a 24 LED light strip (pic under)


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You said that you wanted to upgrade your light also. I would've bought a light from Most of them come with blue moon LEDs. I like your buy though, are you doing planted?

from, Adam
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