Fish Photography Move?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 23, 2011
Hey guys,

I have a 180L community tank of livebearers and I find them stunningly beautiful. I have tried to get pictures of them but I find my tank to plant and hiding spaced filled I cannot get a good shot at them.

My question is would it be too stressful for a heathy fish, to be moved into a 10L tank filled with the same water just for 2 minutes so I can photograph each one by one?

I really care about these fish they really mean the world to me so I wouldn't want to cause too much stress.

Thanks a lot :blink::fish1:
Catching, moving and then catching again to move them back is a very stressful ordeal for something as trivial as a few pictures. There are other ways to go about it... Take a ton of pics, you are sure to get a few nice ones then just delete the cruddy ones (using digital camera). A better way might be to shoot a movie. You can then transfer the movie to a computer and pic and choose frames to export out as pictures.
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