"Frag" - "Barter"/"Trade" for

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 5, 2003
Silverdale, Wa

I am a new "reefer" with 3 mo. old tank (55 gal) wanting to start populating it with more corals. To date I have a bubble, a couple of leathers and a "pagoda" coral.

Since new to hobby, I really don't have any "frags" to "trade" with (actually did first attempt at "propagation" with one of my leathers this weekend just to get hang of doing so - came out well I believe...)

Any way I do have a very well stocked inventory of very "classic" & "collectable" science fiction - maybe a "frag trader" here is a SciFi buff or knows someone who is & might just need a very unique Christmas gift...

Would happily offer up any thing I have for some coral frags in "trade"/"barter" --- for anyone that may be interested...

Full inventory of what I have on hand can be seen at:

Natural Magick Books


Very best of early Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, etc...much not published anywhere else...and in a very "perishable" medium...I deal with collectors almost daily from all over the world...

If anyone interested...please contact me at (omard1) @tscnet.com


Silverdale, Wa
I have edited your e-mail address so it cannot be "spidered" by a bot. You should amend your preferences to allow e-mails or use the PM system unless you want alot of spam...

Good luck with the trade..

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